LETTER 1: Ask for great things.

JESUS SAYS: 8/3/2015 

Praise me, praise me; I do great things. I’ve done great things unto you. Ask me for great things for I am a Great God. Don’t look back because when I bless, I do not look back nor regret. I’ll show you my greatness. Seek me more do not grow weary and I’ll show you great and mighty things you know not. I love you my children. Seek me more because these are the end times. 

Watch and pray more. I am preparing a place for you in heaven. I desire to use you; I desire that you may see me. I use anybody that seeks me. Be happy; I do not stay in a sorrowful heart. I love you my children. Seek work and read my word because I work on it. I am a great God. I will shake the mountains and where will the people run to. But it shall be well with the righteous. It shall never be well with the wicked. Destroy the enemy; I have given you power. If he throws the fiery darts unto you, he will not prevail.

 I am a great God. Focus on me and do not fear. I gave you power. I want to prove myself to you. How will you know that I am your great God; if I do not fight for you. Pray; do not be tired my kingdom is not for the lazy. My kingdom is for the workers. People who have crucified their flesh for me. People who do not seek direction from the world but from me. Those who fully trust on me for everything in their lives. 

LETTER 2: I will amaze you.

JESUS SAYS; 24/3/2015.

I am a God of war to those who disobey me and a God of Love to those who obey me. My children continue seeking me by prayer and fasting. For when I say I’ll be a lamp unto your feet; I’ll also be a light unto your path. I love to be in your presence my children. Desire to see my face and you will not be the same again. My courage is amazing. I am a courageous God that goes to war for his children. Any person that goes to war is courageous. I live in my word and I am preparing a place for you in heaven. These are the last days. I will make you a wonder. Continue praying for the sick and the world. When you cry, I cry too.  

When Habakkuk saw me, he was amazed. John the Revelator; met me, he was amazed and he fell to the ground. I will also surprise you. I love fellowship with men. Whenever I come, when you begin to fellowship I want to speak to you immediately. But I must allow my servants to bring to me their requests first. The enemies you see today you shall see them no more. I hate pride and when it’s found in you, I depart from you. When I bless, let pride not be found in you.

I am a God of plan. I do things in a blink of an eye. I am your God who walks with you. I love you so much. I will give you more revelation of my word when you read it. I will do you good. I will continue to reveal things to you that are in the secret. I will preserve you and you shall not perish. I will visit you more. I do not like disobedience. Yes, I have grace but grace ends. When grace ends, will that be the time you will cry to me, in hell…? Why don’t people believe me? Do not get familiar with me; I am a God of wrath and war.

When you stay on your knees, I will preserve you. I will be proud of you when you seek me. My love is great and immeasurable. I love them that love me, desire to love me even more. I am a great God that is why I say you pray for great things that will give me glory. I have many names but I am the GREAT I AM. Increase and grow in all good works. I am fighting your battles as well as preparing a place for you in heaven. Continue sending your building materials for your houses in heaven.

I will show you my face. Continue reading my word. Increase in every good work. If you used to pray for one- hour, pray for more hours. Ask me for anything and i will give you. Pray for wisdom, be ready all the time. I love being lifted up by men. For I am a MIGHTY GOD and the PRINCE OF PEACE. I fight my enemies because of prayers, tears and words of my children. The battle is mine. I am the Mighty Lord God of War. Continue loving me and others just as I love you. Continue telling others about me.

Your words of prayers are a great weapon that I use. If you plant the seeds of salvation in people’s lives, my angels would be planting too. Pray for the sick when you meet them. I provide for all your needs and I keep you safe. When you draw closer to me, I run unto you, I will bridge the gap. When you see, people sinning, your hearts will melt like mine. My children are getting lost, that is why when you call me, I run to you. 

Plant the seeds of salvation and I will work. Salvation and healing belong to me. I work because of your words in prayers. If you pray for the world imagine what I can do. If everyone plants seeds of salvation, imagine what I can do in the world. I do not want to rest; give me work. Do not give me rest. Speak my words, speak with confidence. I want boldness. Whatever you want from me, speak it with boldness. Confidence goes with faith. If you say it with confidence, I will do it. I perform according to your faith. I desire to work, time is limited. I want to bring to heaven as many people as possible and I will receive glory.

My father rewards workers only. I cause you to go through fire for my own glory. I am always with you even in the fire. After passing through fire, you become gold. Gold is not found easily. It is normally hidden and it is found by sweating; It is passed through the hottest fire than any other vessel. I do not force men to serve me but the devil does. I do not and I repent not