LETTER 5: I lived in the world.

JESUS SAYS; 8/4/2015

I am a mighty God. God full of strength and power. My might shake the world and the mountains. I transform humans. I am a might God who keeps his word to his children. There is no king like me, I head the kings. I am the lord of host (angels). I am a fighter a true friend to those who are friends to me. I desire a relationship with you. Friendship with me is cultivated on your knees. I reveal secrets things that you know not.

I am a humble teacher; I do not use force. I teach gently, so that you may have knowledge, and that you may not perish. I died for you all. I am your counselor. come to me with your burdens. I lead you. Guide you. I provide for you. Those are some of my names. God full of mercy. God full of grace. I measure grace unto my children, according to the size of the vessel of their hearts. If you seek me. you shall find me. I am a true God, lies cannot be found in me. My name is truth. Love is my name. I created you. I formed you and I love you. 

You will bow to me because I am a king. I am a servant because I serve you. When you call, I come. I am your God; I bought you by my blood. I shed my blood at the cross for you. I am the great I am. I said I have names for all situations. I am your savior. When you submit your lives in my hands I become a healer, your helper, your lord, your teacher.

If you focus on me, I will amaze you. The God of amazement and surprise is my name. I lived in the world, I know what you go through. I have set teachers and prophets to reveal what I have for you. I set my work on motion. I am the Alfa and Omega. I am your wisdom and knowledge. I become the God of love to them that have no love. God of joy to them that have no joy. I will be with you, so do not fear.  Desire to know me even more. Cultivate this relationship by honoring your vows. Any vow you have made; honor it. I have vowed to walk with you. If you love me, you will walk with me. Continue to learn about love, that is where you fall short. Bring back with love a brother who has gone astray. Love is the greatest commandment.  Because when you have love you have completed all righteousness. You cannot hate, murder, steal or do any kind of sin when you have love in you. 

“And above all these things put on love which is the bond of perfection.” (Colossians 3:14)

I require love out of you. My word is true. My children are being deceived. That the old testament is dead, it shall never die. The promises I wrote for you in the old testament are true; come with them and I will bless you. I will always be with you. Do your part and I will do mine. Praise is an altar. Let your bodies be praise I want your bodies to be altars. Oil, blessings and all good things will flow from holy Altars. My love, my glory, my thoughts, my ideas myself shall flow from you, when you become Holy altars. I want your bodies to be altars that my anointing, my power, my glory, may dwell in you. Is there anything hard for me…? 

When you become my altars; you will be able to stand firm and resist the enemy. This is where sign and wonders begin to follow you. I dwell in praises, and I will dwell in you when you become altars of praise. Temples have altars, you are my temples.

Praise comes to me. Because those are altars. I am the God of praise and praise is my name. When you continue calling me; I will give you wisdom and my teachings.

You need to bear fruits. I have taught you praise. These things I have taught you, when they ascend up I burn them and they become sweet incense before me. Love is kind, pure, humble, merciful, it is worthy, love is big, it sees no wrong, harm, sin or pain. The form of love that you know, it is not even love. Love is kind. Love is faithful, love is merciful, love is blameless, love endures suffering, love is patience, love is powerful, love is wonderful, love brings joy. I desire love in you. Pray for love every day. Bear the fruit of love every day.

4Love suffers long, and is kind, love envies not, love vaunts not itself, it is not puffed up, 5Does not behave itself rudely, seeks not her own, it is not easily provoked, keeps no records of evil, 6Rejoices not in iniquities, but rejoices in the truth, 7Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8Love never fails but whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be tongues they shall cease, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

I am truth; lies are not found in me. Anything I cannot touch; do not touch. I am preparing a table for my servants. Proud workers, who are not ashamed of my truth.

Grow in wisdom and knowledge. If it was not for love, I could not have carried your shame on the cross. I was beaten because of my love for you, insulted, nailed because of love. I did not focus I on shame or pain I only saw love. When people perish, I remember insults, pain and all I went through for them, then I cry a lot. They accused me falsely. My prophets had said; a sinful man would be put in a tree. Anything I do for you, is because of love. I proved my love for you in the cross. Prove your love to me by fearing me, by honoring me, by serving me and I will be exalted on high. I am so holy; you can touch my holiness. I want you to be holy; both in your thoughts, your words and in your deeds.

I have an army that fights for you. That puts in actions your prayers. It is great and I am their chief commander and their leader. I want you to be my army even with your weaknesses; stand. I know you are weak but be ready all the time; like warriors. Warriors do not sleep. When you call for overnight prayers, in heaven we know its overnight prayers, do not sleep. My angels come down to serve you for overnight prayers, so do not sleep. Army of sluggards, I do not command. I want workers; when you say its overnight prayers, let it be an overnight prayer. I want workers; for I am a worker. 

May you be found ever ready for me, for I am always ready for you. Be my perfect example; do not give people wrong example. If you sleep, I will not sustain you, but when you are awake, I will. When you do good on earth the twenty-four elders, angels and the saints bow before me in heaven. When you do good on earth in heaven the atmosphere changes, color changes in heaven, even my face changes. I will show you my face and you will not sleep again at the wrong time.