LETTER 11: No heaven without my baptism.

JESUS SAYS 26/4/2015

Ask for the wisdom of my word; I give freely. The word I have written should not be in vain to you. Ask for understanding. People come and go. Years will pass, but my word lives forever. Those who understand my word, have rewards. 

I give different understanding every time you read my word. No one can teach you like I do. Because of love I will teach you even more. People suffered because of faith. They were mocked, laughed at and killed. They closed their ears, but Lots wife did not close hers. she looked behind and she became a pillar of salt. I was not there by then. I was a promise to come later. They had not seen me. That time they had to live right and come to the father. But now I am the way. You must come to the father, only through me. You cannot please the father, if you have not pleased the son. If you cannot recognize the sacrifice, you cannot recognize the owner of the sacrifice.

When a person is being saved, I go back to the cross and blood comes out of me, just for him, and his heavy Laden’s are left at the cross. I have put the devil under your feet. I will help you to defeat the grave. I am preparing a table for you, because of love. Many shall come to my father because of the love I showed at the cross. I am also a father to those who trust me. I was baptized, you too my sons must be baptized. They are not coming to me those who die without baptism. I demonstrated how it must be done. I was immersed you too must be immersed in water. Learn from me and I shall receive glory. Do it my way and it shall be accepted. Teach baptism to those who are deceived. 

Mary is not a savior. Those who worship her are sinners. There will be no other sacrifice to bring men to the father. I became sin. Sin and death are defeated at the cross. 

I have released my wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I make known the purpose of why my word was written for you. Baptism, tithing, giving, obedience and all my characters are important. I prayed until I sweat. You need to pray too. I washed my disciple feet. It was an example to you of service unto others. I read my word in the temple. You need to read it too. You need to honor your leaders. I respected the authority by surrendering to them for death. I will judge you by my word. I beseech you to read it.

I obeyed my father to death. Do not judge others. I did not judge those who cursed me. I had power but I just looked at them and they were falling down. When I died, there was total darkness. I had the power to run away from the cross but I respected my father and the word of my prophets. I sort to do my fathers will. Do my will. 

Without love you cannot pray for others. Pray to be given what you lack in these. I raised the dead. You shall raise the dead too. I multiplied food you shall multiply food too. Elijah stopped rain, you shall do more too. Ask by faith. To them that I love I give freely. All the acts of the prophets, you shall do them even more, because I am the great I AM. 

These things I am teaching you will never depart from you. Desire to walk and decrease even more, so that I may guide you. Sin has a reward. Righteousness has a reward too. Work knowing that everything has a reward. Seeking me has a reward because you shall find me. I want to reward you with my visitation all the time. I want to reward you by showing you my face. I want to reward you by showing you my heaven. 

Serving others has a reward. In every deceit, hate, envy all these have rewards. One sin begets another and hell is the reward of all sins. I walk with humility. Mary, Joseph, David, Moses, Enoch, Peter, Paul, Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and all my servants were rewarded. Seek to know what they did. Isaiah was rewarded for telling the word, the way it is. Daniel was rewarded for discerning the time of captivity was over. Anyone who does good to you will be rewarded. Those who do bad to you will also be rewarded. Paul was rewarded because of obeying my voice. Search in my word and know how I reward and what begets a reward. I am giving you a homework. Learn about these people. If you do not do this homework surely, they will be a reward. I want no jokes with my work. I will descend with a rod, I will beat you without mercy, but with love. I want things the way I speak them.