LETTER 18: Do not be deceived.

JESUS SAYS:  7/5/2015. 

I suffered a lot for men yet they reject me and go to hell in large numbers. I paid an expensive dowry for you. Before I died I suffered. I was striped and I said for my stripes you are healed. When I was crucified the Holy Spirit departed from me. It brings me tears when I see people going to hell. The heavens rejoice over one soul that comes to heaven. Let my death not be in vain for you. I died for all men. Many are going to hell. Some begin well and as they continue they depart from me. 

 My death is everything, if you cannot recognize my death, you cannot recognize me. If you cannot read my word, how will I speak to you? I humble myself to knock at people hearts knowing very well that they will not accept me. When the door of grace closes. I forget everything you did for me. You cannot say you did good works yesterday because the glory of yesterday is gone. Do not be deceived by preachers that contradict my word. Be aware of such people they are taking my children to hell. Deceit is in the world; they should tell my word as it is. In such gathering I am not found.

Many begin with me but finish in the flesh. Teaching things in their own understanding. If a good preacher stands in a funeral, many turns to me, for in every death, men should know me. You can only be deceived if you do not read my word. But if you read my word; you cannot be deceived. It brings tears in my eyes because all churches are taking my children to hell, in the whole country. In other countries, you may find one or two churches that are taking my children to heaven, but most of them are taking my children to hell.

Work for me and you will wipe away my tears. Even now many are dying and they are going to hell. Heaven is quiet and they are not coming. We reward every word action and thoughts of men. Seek me and increase in me. Devil knows my word; that is why everyone that goes to him he knows which word condemns them to hell. The devil preaches to them in hell. He tells them if they had read my word and obeyed me they wouldn’t be in hell. Read and know my word and when you bring it to me as a prayer I will accomplish it. 

Foolish words add no value to me and my kingdom. Do not grow weary for we do not slumber. Simply obedience is rewarded much. When you obey my word, things begin to work for you. Serve me with all your strength and all that you have. I will keep you near me and I will lift you up.