LETTER 26: The needy.

JESUS SAYS:  17/5/2015. 

Help the needy. This ministry is for helping the needy. The needy are many around you. Your neighbor is one that is close to you. If you love someone, to pray for them is easy. When I bring finances, help the needy. If they go talking ill about you, after you have helped them, do not bother. Do not touch the things of the needy and make them yours. Do not eat things that are brought for the needy. If in your account, you have and 100 dollars in the needs account there is 10,000 dollars do not touch money meant for the needy. If you take food meant for orphans and they cry to me, I will hear their cry and fight for them. If you try, I will not have mercy on you. 

Those who know me I sweep them very fast when they disobey. Warn all ministers not to eat what belongs to the poor. In all countries, you will have ministers warn them. No man can plead ignorance before me. Do not touch my tithe, I will direct you on how to use it. I will be revealing how it will be used, this time tithe will be used for this or that. Tithe has made many people to open churches, it is not so for you. It is better the one that is going to hell by choice than the one going to hell not knowing through following churches and ministers. I want you not to focus on money, bread and tithe but on my work.

Lead people to be workers and I will bless you in the right way. Rose seek to know how you will use the money that comes. I will tell you who to give and how much to give. When you give, I shall bless you in the right way. Train workers, avoid ties so that it won’t be hard for you to release them when I send them out. Even if I use them more do not desire to keep them, allow them to go and serve me. Encourage them to read my word and finish the whole Bible in two months. Your work is to ask and mine is to answer. If you want to provoke me give out things and I will bless you. I bless and help the pagans because they help the needy and the orphans. I do not honor tithe that is not given to the needy. Many ask themselves why they give tithe and they are not blessed. If you don’t know how your tithe is used by ministers, I will not bless you if they don’t help the needy with it. My word is truth and it changes not.

 “… 29And the Levite (because he has no part nor inheritance with you) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, who are within your gates, shall come and eat and be satisfied, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.” (Deuteronomy 14:22-29)

 “12When you have finished tithing all the tithes of your increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and have given it to the Levites, to the strangers, to the fatherless and to the widows, that they may eat within your gates and be satisfied. 13Then you shall say before the LORD your God, I have removed the sacred potion out of the house, and all I have given unto the Levites, unto the strangers, unto the fatherless, and unto the widows. According to the commandment which you have commanded me. 14I have not transgressed your commandment, neither have I forgotten them. I have not eaten of it in the morning. Neither have I taken any of it for the dead. But I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my GOD, and I have done according to all that you have commanded me. 15Look down from your holy habitation, from heaven, and bless your people Israel. And the Land which you have given us. As you swore unto our fathers, a land that flows with milk and honey.” (Deuteronomy 26:12-15)

The true religion is to look after the needy. Indians do not tithe but they pay hospital bills, school fees, and more. They help the poor in secret and I bless them with big companies. When Christians do things, they do them to be seen. And surely, they have received their reward. When you help, seek not to be known, if possible say not your name and where you come from. Do things in secret. Learn this and I will bless you. When you meet the needy, bless them and then go. Those people who give when they are dying and they repent they come direct to me. Bless and never speak about it. I see in secret. I will bless you.