LETTER 35: Little obedience breads curses.

JESUS SAYS: 12/6/2015.

I require obedience; I just need obedience. I have made many vows with you. Remind me the vows I have made to you. You cannot remind me, if you cannot remember. Write all the promises that are in the Bible and bring them to me. My word has to be alive and it must come to pass. Every word my word says; remind me. Desire to know my name for every situation and season. I have many names, names for every situation and season. Do not give the enemy the chance to come before me with accusation against you. I have given you a lot of teachings. Teach others too. Obey, if you ask for obedience; I give freely. 

My word speaks courageously. There are blessings and curses. I require blind obedience. little obedience breads curses. I have so much love, obey in small things and your obedience will grow. I will teach you for when you think you know me. you do not even know me. My ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts.