
Come to Jesus campaign ministry is a Spiritual Bible school; and not church. It is where vineyard workers are made. Trained to carry out and on the most extensive and intensive campaign for our LORD JESUS CHRIST; because he is coming now, and not soon anymore. The mandate of this ministry, is to return mankind back to the relationship he lost with God, at the garden of Eden. Heaven is Eden regained. Many know not the kind of relationship we lost in Eden. 

Christ today desires to visit and to speak to his children by himself, just as he did in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. How he longs for that relationship with you….! Many people are working for God where he has not sent them, Laboring in vain. Many think they are working for God but they are not, because they do not even know him. We must seek a relationship with CHRIST first to avoid end time embarrassment. when one shall be saying LORD… I did this and that in your name and he tells you depart from me, you worker of iniquity, I do not know you. Because it is the name of Jesus that did the miracles and you forgot holiness. working in a vineyard that belongs to another person. the harvest will automatically belong to the owner of the vineyard. Before you were born God had predestined for you a vineyard where you are meant to work for him in this world. It is your work on your knees to find out exactly where you ought to serve him. Do not fail to labor and find out why, where and what God created you for, in such a time as this

 13 For you have formed my inwards parts; You have covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise you; for I am fearful and wonderful made: marvelous are your works: and that my soul knows right well. 15 My frame was not hid, from you, when I was wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16Your eyes did see my substance, being yet unformed; and in your book, they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet they were none of them. 17How precious also are your thoughts unto me! O God! how great is the sum of them! 18If I should count them; they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with you.” (Psalms 139:13-18)

Long before you were born, a book was written about all your days tailored for you on earth; and as you live now, a book of all your works, thoughts and words is being written. At the end of your life on earth; God will compare the two books, if the person, he created is not the one who lived according to what was written in the previous book, then he would have to tell him to depart from his presence because he does not know him. Man, must live according to what God predestined him for. This is possible only if the relation between God and man is not interfered with by sin. Sin is a wall between Man and God. 

 1Behold the hand of the Lord is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear dull, that it cannot hear. 2But your iniquities have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:1-2)  

LETTER 1: Ask for great things.

JESUS SAYS: 8/3/2015 

Praise me, praise me; I do great things. I’ve done great things unto you. Ask me for great things for I am a Great God. Don’t look back because when I bless, I do not look back nor regret. I’ll show you my greatness. Seek me more do not grow weary and I’ll show you great and mighty things you know not. I love you my children. Seek me more because these are the end times. 

Watch and pray more. I am preparing a place for you in heaven. I desire to use you; I desire that you may see me. I use anybody that seeks me. Be happy; I do not stay in a sorrowful heart. I love you my children. Seek work and read my word because I work on it. I am a great God. I will shake the mountains and where will the people run to. But it shall be well with the righteous. It shall never be well with the wicked. Destroy the enemy; I have given you power. If he throws the fiery darts unto you, he will not prevail.

 I am a great God. Focus on me and do not fear. I gave you power. I want to prove myself to you. How will you know that I am your great God; if I do not fight for you. Pray; do not be tired my kingdom is not for the lazy. My kingdom is for the workers. People who have crucified their flesh for me. People who do not seek direction from the world but from me. Those who fully trust on me for everything in their lives. 

LETTER 2: I will amaze you.

JESUS SAYS; 24/3/2015.

I am a God of war to those who disobey me and a God of Love to those who obey me. My children continue seeking me by prayer and fasting. For when I say I’ll be a lamp unto your feet; I’ll also be a light unto your path. I love to be in your presence my children. Desire to see my face and you will not be the same again. My courage is amazing. I am a courageous God that goes to war for his children. Any person that goes to war is courageous. I live in my word and I am preparing a place for you in heaven. These are the last days. I will make you a wonder. Continue praying for the sick and the world. When you cry, I cry too.  

When Habakkuk saw me, he was amazed. John the Revelator; met me, he was amazed and he fell to the ground. I will also surprise you. I love fellowship with men. Whenever I come, when you begin to fellowship I want to speak to you immediately. But I must allow my servants to bring to me their requests first. The enemies you see today you shall see them no more. I hate pride and when it’s found in you, I depart from you. When I bless, let pride not be found in you.

I am a God of plan. I do things in a blink of an eye. I am your God who walks with you. I love you so much. I will give you more revelation of my word when you read it. I will do you good. I will continue to reveal things to you that are in the secret. I will preserve you and you shall not perish. I will visit you more. I do not like disobedience. Yes, I have grace but grace ends. When grace ends, will that be the time you will cry to me, in hell…? Why don’t people believe me? Do not get familiar with me; I am a God of wrath and war.

When you stay on your knees, I will preserve you. I will be proud of you when you seek me. My love is great and immeasurable. I love them that love me, desire to love me even more. I am a great God that is why I say you pray for great things that will give me glory. I have many names but I am the GREAT I AM. Increase and grow in all good works. I am fighting your battles as well as preparing a place for you in heaven. Continue sending your building materials for your houses in heaven.

I will show you my face. Continue reading my word. Increase in every good work. If you used to pray for one- hour, pray for more hours. Ask me for anything and i will give you. Pray for wisdom, be ready all the time. I love being lifted up by men. For I am a MIGHTY GOD and the PRINCE OF PEACE. I fight my enemies because of prayers, tears and words of my children. The battle is mine. I am the Mighty Lord God of War. Continue loving me and others just as I love you. Continue telling others about me.

Your words of prayers are a great weapon that I use. If you plant the seeds of salvation in people’s lives, my angels would be planting too. Pray for the sick when you meet them. I provide for all your needs and I keep you safe. When you draw closer to me, I run unto you, I will bridge the gap. When you see, people sinning, your hearts will melt like mine. My children are getting lost, that is why when you call me, I run to you. 

Plant the seeds of salvation and I will work. Salvation and healing belong to me. I work because of your words in prayers. If you pray for the world imagine what I can do. If everyone plants seeds of salvation, imagine what I can do in the world. I do not want to rest; give me work. Do not give me rest. Speak my words, speak with confidence. I want boldness. Whatever you want from me, speak it with boldness. Confidence goes with faith. If you say it with confidence, I will do it. I perform according to your faith. I desire to work, time is limited. I want to bring to heaven as many people as possible and I will receive glory.

My father rewards workers only. I cause you to go through fire for my own glory. I am always with you even in the fire. After passing through fire, you become gold. Gold is not found easily. It is normally hidden and it is found by sweating; It is passed through the hottest fire than any other vessel. I do not force men to serve me but the devil does. I do not and I repent not

LETTER 3: Deceit is not found in me.

JESUS SAYS; 4/5/2015

Deceit is not found in me. I never look back. Courage is my name. You should not lack courage. I am not a man that I should lie. I said you lift up your faith. My promises are true and just. They endure forever. I want great faith and I will be pleased. When you walk by faith you will seek me with confidence. I want confidence it goes with faith. Do I ask for much? I ask for faith, only faith. Praise me for I dwell in the praises of my children. I do not stay in sorrowful hearts.

 4Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. 5Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6Be anxious for nothing: but in everything by prayer and supplication let your request be made known unto God. 7And the peace of God which passes human understanding, shall keep your minds and hearts through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:4-7)

When you have doubts, I take a back seat. Doubt is a door that the devil uses to destroy my children. I do not work in doubts. I command praise from my children. I do not ask for much but you have asked so many things and I have done. I bless those who do not know me; how much more can I bless my children. I bring rain to them that know me and to them that do not know me, to them that worship me and to them that worship the devil.                                                                   

Trust in me, have confidence in your God. I cannot be late; I am never late. I am not a man, I come at the right time. I want faith, you cannot please me without faith. You cannot see my face without faith. You cannot see my greatness without faith. Increase in your faith. Without faith; you cannot teach others about me. I want love, praise, obedience, faith, fear, patience, endurance, and honor. If you have these, I receive honor and glory in heaven. I said I will always be with you, and that is what I do. I say with confidence, everything I promised; I will do. 

Bring my word to me. If the righteous call me; they find me and they are safe. When the foundations of the world are shaking; you will be safe. Everything is found on your knees. On your knees, you will fear me, you will respect me, you will obey me. When you pray, your eyes will not see mountains; but me. Gold is hidden, search me like gold. When I am praised the color of heaven changes. They are colors in heaven that are not on earth. I promised; I will sit with you in heaven; and you will see these marvelous things.

I will show you heaven, and when problems come like waves; I will raise a standard. I cannot dwell in you; and you remain the same. If you fear me I will be found of you. Time will come when I will not be found by men. On the last day, I will require my records of my work from you. You should not be found with spots. Desire to serve me; do not be 50 50. 

It is either you serve the devil or me. Choose whom you will serve, at the end I will ask for an account of my work. I will ask an account of my work from you. I should always take the first position in your lives, I will never take the second, third or any other. I do not walk with the proud, I do not associate myself with the proud. You cannot hide yourself; I see in the secret. 

I am proud because I am God and I created everything. I do not reward the lazy people, My Father rewards only workers. Teach my children I reward workers. All the promises I speak to my children cannot be found unless they seek me first. No one is worthy. When I come sweeping, I repent not. If you take one step towards me, I take a hundred steps towards you, you come two steps towards me, I come a million steps towards you. Have a heart that desires truth.  

Grow everyday as you eat physically, spiritual you ought to eat too. Continue praying for others that I may accomplish what I created them for. All the trouble you are going through, bring to my feet. Carry the burden of praying and your lives will never remain the same. I am a God of transformation. Anchor your salvation in me and when storms come I will calm them down. Many desire, that I speak to them but they do not seek me diligently. I speak virtue to my children. I have taught you love, obedience, fear, respect, service to others, sacrifice, wisdom and more.

I will continue teaching you. I have shown you my will, show me your desires. I walk not in pride; you should never be proud. Build your houses on the rock and they will never be shaken by wind, storms or troubles. After I have promised, it’s your time to pray, seek and fast even more. If you pray and you have confidence, then the devil is under your feet. When you are taught the truth, false teachings will never find you. Praise, Love, respect and sacrifice, are your daily lifestyle. When you do these things, I receive praise. 

Many people call me when they have filthy beautifications and make ups on their bodies, I do not hear them; because those makeups belong to the enemy, and they are not to be used by my temples. You are my temples do not hang idols on your bodies. The enemy has defiled so many of my children through makeups and ornaments. Stay natural for my sake I created you perfectly, do not challenge my work my children. Be contented with how you look and I will receive praise. I want to dwell in you my children. I am not a 50 50 God. I am God, Redeemer King, Lord and a servant, I serve you by keeping you safe, providing for all your needs, keeping you healthy, healing all your diseases, preparing an eternal home for you and more.

 21And your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, this is the way, walk ye in it when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left. 22 You shall defile also the covering of your graven images; of silver, and the ornaments of your molten images of gold; you shall cast them away as an unclean thing; you shall say unto them get away. 23 Then shall ye give you rain for your seed, that you shall sow the ground with; and bread of your increase of the earth, and it shall be rich and plentiful; in that day shall your cattle feed in large pastures.” (Isaiah 30:21-23)

 1I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, offer your bodies as a living sacrifice unto me, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable Service. 2And be not conformed to this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind; that you may prove that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:1-2)

                                                                                                           “3And let us arise, and go up to Bethel and I will make there an altar unto God’ Who answered me in the day of my distress, and was with me in the way which I went. 4And they gave unto Jacob all their foreign gods which were in their hands, and all their earrings, which were in their ears, and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem.” (Genesis 35:3-4)                                                                                                                                                                      

When you grow, I will receive honor, glory and adoration. Grow, I command you to grow. When I punish you; the enemy laughs at you. I accomplish the words of my servants; the prophets. I give I have many names but I am the GREAT I AM, The Lord of War, The Lord of Peace, The Lord of Wrath, The Lord of Service, The King Who Lives, The Lord of Hosts, Mighty Redeemer and your Humble Teacher. I love you so much with love that cannot be measured and that sees no faults. Your brains cannot imagine this love. I died for you, I died for your sins. I can die again for you, if need be, just to prove my love for you. What I want from you; is your love, faith and confident. 

This power that I have, you get it by faith. Faith is praying knowing whom you are praying to. Tell others to work for My Father’s Kingdom, that we may keep seeing many coming to me. Many people have obtained wealth from witchcraft. I want them, I died for them. Many that I called with high anointing, they do not know am not with them because when I depart from my servants, who become proud I do not take away my anointing from them. And it becomes hard for them to notice that I am not with them.

When I bless, I bless and I repent not. My fallen servants are the ones who fight against my work. They fight my obedient servants. but woe unto them. Can any man fight me? You should be upright before me. Your thoughts are words to me, let your thoughts be fearful and useful to me. Reckless and evil words should not be found in you. Let your thoughts be fearful and useful in my kingdom, and I will receive praise. Twenty-four elders bow before me because of your praises. 

Do not hinder my work because of your lack of faith. If little faith size of a mustard seed can move mountains. Therefore; how more would the faith size of a mango seed do? It will do even more. Continue to ask me for great things, big things. If you ask me for great things and pride is not found in you, I receive praise. Teach about increasing, if you are in level one today, you cannot be in level one tomorrow you good health. My Father in heaven loves you so much. Whenever you call, he says your children are calling, can you go. There is no way you can be able to pray for your enemies; if you do not have love. 

This love that I have, is the one that causes me to do things for you, my children. My Father just desired salvation for Israelites. I asked him what about the others in the world, will they perish. Then he asked me about their sacrifice. For my father loves sacrifices. He had taught Israelites how to sacrifice. I said; I will go and become their sacrifice. Israel gave a lot of sacrifices. Because of love, I decided to become one sacrifice for all men. Yet many choose not to love me. They choose the enemy, and they go to hell. It brings me so much tears. For my death is in vain for all who are trooping to hell. I died a painful death for you. Let not my death be in vain to you. I am a God of love, if this love can be found in your hearts, you will honor me.

If you have love that sees no fault; you will love anyone for me. Desire to be used of me. Pray that you may decrease, and I will increase in you. It will come a time, it won’t be you ministering but me. People despise me, but I still keep them alive because of my love. When my father tells me to sweep away; I cry no, because of love. When anyone wrongs you, see my love. Do not fight anyone, give me words and I will work. Bring all your burdens to me. Continue praying for your nations. 

Give thanks for everything. Death is a blessing to me; because there are those who come to me when they die. Commit your plans unto me, that I may establish them. Pray, pray, pray for all situations, neighbors, friends, enemies, and the world. I created you to love me, to cherish me, to praise me. I need a trillion plus souls from you. The devil couldn’t die for his servants. Workers are rewarded by me. Time will come when I will be in heaven with you. Continue to desire that I may reveal myself to you. If you believe in my blood. The blood that my father respects; you shall do exploits. I am the lord of heavens army.

I have a name for every situation. A name for every blessing, a name for every problem, a name for every calamity. But I am the great I am. My love can be touched. Desire to touch my love. Continue building your houses in heaven, by sending materials. The more you seek the bigger your blessing shall be. I want you to have big houses in heaven. 

There are people in heaven without food on their table because they did not fast while they were on earth. Some have cows on their tables and all are happy, for there is no envy or hate in heaven. How I desire to bless my children; but they do not want to work for me. My father desires to find you ever true. Sin should never be found in you. Let your thoughts work for me; and the enemy will not be found in you.

LETTER 4: Purpose to find me.

 JESUS SAYS; 6/4/2015

For me to Visit you is by grace. You cannot pay me, it is just pure grace and love. Understanding of my word is just by grace; even seeking me, is not by your strength. If you seek me, you will find me. No one can pay me. It is just by my grace, love and mercy. If I favor my children, they call me and I answer them with confidence.

When you purpose to find me, I purpose to be found of you. I am just a call away. I favor my children that I love. I like it, when you seek for great things. You shall find all things you desire from me, on your knees. Gold is found by sweating. I will be found when you call me in truth and in spirit. Confidence is my name. I have no hindrances from my side. Hindrances are from your side. When I say, I will do something, the enemy begins to fight. Pray hard, my father desires workers. Be ready at all times, you know not neither the time nor day when I will be coming back.

Prayers is a substance and a weapon., Its where we communicate. Prayers are words of my children that I accomplish. In prayer, you will find me. The world and pride should never be found in you. Can you imagine how many people I cover with my wings? I have covered many, and I still have more space. I shall always come to teach you. Teach your children the way they should go and they shall never depart from me. My word speaks; that is why I say it is alive. Many have read my word, and it has transformed them. They have known I am the true God, and the only way to the father. Preach the word, and I will receive praise.

I heal the sick by your words. Faith gives me praise. Increase in your faith; and ask anything in my name, I will give you, and I will receive glory. I love you very much with love that can be touched. I need praise in every situation hard, good or bad. Do not want to know many things; just praise me. I know everything you will do tomorrow. What you will eat. How you will comb your hair. Seek me more I will do wonders to you. Knocking means bringing your burdens to me. When you bring your burdens at my feet; I will take them away. The fear of me is wisdom. I give wisdom freely, ask. Anyone can ask, and I answer. My children perish because of lack of knowledge. Teach my children. 

Desire to know my word; it is going to judge you. Read my word and you will know what causes blemish to your garments. When you ask me for revelation of my word, I will give you. You need outlets to tell my word to others. If you share my word, I am glorified. I am a God of love. Pray for others so that my death may not be in vain to them. I am happy when you continue to love and call me. I will prove my might, my love and myself to you. Everything about you, is written in my hand; and I am not a man that I should change. I am a great I am, who sees everything. I do not sleep or grow weary. To those who know me, my grace is limited. To those who know not me, my grace is more. 

I do not like seeing my children crying because of hard life, because the enemy laughs at them. Twenty-four elders in heaven bow before me when you are blameless. I have covered you with the blanket of love. If you want love with no blemish, ask it from me, I give freely. 

Continue asking; if you desire all gifts I will give you all. But remember to whom much is given; much is required. I use dreams and visions to reveal myself to my children. Everything is found on your knees. Continue to be found ever true.

Blessings are renewed every day. Renew everything about yourself every day.

LETTER 5: I lived in the world.

JESUS SAYS; 8/4/2015

I am a mighty God. God full of strength and power. My might shake the world and the mountains. I transform humans. I am a might God who keeps his word to his children. There is no king like me, I head the kings. I am the lord of host (angels). I am a fighter a true friend to those who are friends to me. I desire a relationship with you. Friendship with me is cultivated on your knees. I reveal secrets things that you know not.

I am a humble teacher; I do not use force. I teach gently, so that you may have knowledge, and that you may not perish. I died for you all. I am your counselor. come to me with your burdens. I lead you. Guide you. I provide for you. Those are some of my names. God full of mercy. God full of grace. I measure grace unto my children, according to the size of the vessel of their hearts. If you seek me. you shall find me. I am a true God, lies cannot be found in me. My name is truth. Love is my name. I created you. I formed you and I love you. 

You will bow to me because I am a king. I am a servant because I serve you. When you call, I come. I am your God; I bought you by my blood. I shed my blood at the cross for you. I am the great I am. I said I have names for all situations. I am your savior. When you submit your lives in my hands I become a healer, your helper, your lord, your teacher.

If you focus on me, I will amaze you. The God of amazement and surprise is my name. I lived in the world, I know what you go through. I have set teachers and prophets to reveal what I have for you. I set my work on motion. I am the Alfa and Omega. I am your wisdom and knowledge. I become the God of love to them that have no love. God of joy to them that have no joy. I will be with you, so do not fear.  Desire to know me even more. Cultivate this relationship by honoring your vows. Any vow you have made; honor it. I have vowed to walk with you. If you love me, you will walk with me. Continue to learn about love, that is where you fall short. Bring back with love a brother who has gone astray. Love is the greatest commandment.  Because when you have love you have completed all righteousness. You cannot hate, murder, steal or do any kind of sin when you have love in you. 

“And above all these things put on love which is the bond of perfection.” (Colossians 3:14)

I require love out of you. My word is true. My children are being deceived. That the old testament is dead, it shall never die. The promises I wrote for you in the old testament are true; come with them and I will bless you. I will always be with you. Do your part and I will do mine. Praise is an altar. Let your bodies be praise I want your bodies to be altars. Oil, blessings and all good things will flow from holy Altars. My love, my glory, my thoughts, my ideas myself shall flow from you, when you become Holy altars. I want your bodies to be altars that my anointing, my power, my glory, may dwell in you. Is there anything hard for me…? 

When you become my altars; you will be able to stand firm and resist the enemy. This is where sign and wonders begin to follow you. I dwell in praises, and I will dwell in you when you become altars of praise. Temples have altars, you are my temples.

Praise comes to me. Because those are altars. I am the God of praise and praise is my name. When you continue calling me; I will give you wisdom and my teachings.

You need to bear fruits. I have taught you praise. These things I have taught you, when they ascend up I burn them and they become sweet incense before me. Love is kind, pure, humble, merciful, it is worthy, love is big, it sees no wrong, harm, sin or pain. The form of love that you know, it is not even love. Love is kind. Love is faithful, love is merciful, love is blameless, love endures suffering, love is patience, love is powerful, love is wonderful, love brings joy. I desire love in you. Pray for love every day. Bear the fruit of love every day.

4Love suffers long, and is kind, love envies not, love vaunts not itself, it is not puffed up, 5Does not behave itself rudely, seeks not her own, it is not easily provoked, keeps no records of evil, 6Rejoices not in iniquities, but rejoices in the truth, 7Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8Love never fails but whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be tongues they shall cease, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

I am truth; lies are not found in me. Anything I cannot touch; do not touch. I am preparing a table for my servants. Proud workers, who are not ashamed of my truth.

Grow in wisdom and knowledge. If it was not for love, I could not have carried your shame on the cross. I was beaten because of my love for you, insulted, nailed because of love. I did not focus I on shame or pain I only saw love. When people perish, I remember insults, pain and all I went through for them, then I cry a lot. They accused me falsely. My prophets had said; a sinful man would be put in a tree. Anything I do for you, is because of love. I proved my love for you in the cross. Prove your love to me by fearing me, by honoring me, by serving me and I will be exalted on high. I am so holy; you can touch my holiness. I want you to be holy; both in your thoughts, your words and in your deeds.

I have an army that fights for you. That puts in actions your prayers. It is great and I am their chief commander and their leader. I want you to be my army even with your weaknesses; stand. I know you are weak but be ready all the time; like warriors. Warriors do not sleep. When you call for overnight prayers, in heaven we know its overnight prayers, do not sleep. My angels come down to serve you for overnight prayers, so do not sleep. Army of sluggards, I do not command. I want workers; when you say its overnight prayers, let it be an overnight prayer. I want workers; for I am a worker. 

May you be found ever ready for me, for I am always ready for you. Be my perfect example; do not give people wrong example. If you sleep, I will not sustain you, but when you are awake, I will. When you do good on earth the twenty-four elders, angels and the saints bow before me in heaven. When you do good on earth in heaven the atmosphere changes, color changes in heaven, even my face changes. I will show you my face and you will not sleep again at the wrong time.

LETTER 6: I want servants not church goers.

JESUS SAYS: 12/4/2015. 

I have given you great things; give thanks. I have shown you my power. I provide your daily bread; give thanks. It is very important to give thanks. Thanksgiving is a sign of worship. I have a plan to give you, a future full of hope and prosperity. Give thanks and I will receive praise and worship and adoration. Teach yourselves to give thanks for everything. Learn to see what I have already done for you and thanks giving will become easy. Thank me for what I will do and I will do it.

My good plans and work, add no sorrow. Give thanks; it is my will to be found by you. Give thanks to me all the time. The level of much blessings, the test is great. When you have less, the test is less. When you are in the level of blessings, and pride is not found in you, You, move to the next level which is the level of peace. It is in the level of blessings that many people fall. They think it is because of their prayers. If you fail in any level, you start again. 

Blessings are a big test, and they are coming in plenty. I want you to be firm, that you may not fall. And that you may not leave me behind. Whether you live me or not, I will remain God. Things of the world, wealth and money can never move or change me. I do not force things; choose wisely. When it comes to decisions, you have free will. I require that I ever find you ready for me. I want servants not church goes. When you continue staying at my feet, blessings will never change you. If you pass your exams; these seasons will never go away. The season of plenty, is where I want you to be.

LETTER 7: Depend not on my servants but on me.

JESUS SAYS: 24/4/2015; 

I am able to lift up and to restore. I am able to do exceedingly more than you can imagine or ask. Try my might and my power, and you shall see it. Commit everything unto me. I am able with confidence. I am a God of today and tomorrow. There is nothing I cannot do. I have heard your prayers; and I am able to answer even the ones you have not asked. 

I sustained my children in the desert. And by my wrath I swept them away because of their evil deeds. Able is my name. Glory, power and honor belong to me. I do might things. I amaze, I astonish. I will amaze you by my mighty. I walk with my might and with all my characters, love, patience strength, knowledge, wisdom, majesty, and power. I am a warrior; all these are my names. I am ready always to walk with my children.

All your battles, my army fights. My army is so might and so great; I lead and command it to war. Your words in prayers are so important. They are weapons we use to fight the enemy. We cannot do anything on earth without your prayers. Christian should not depend on my servants but me. Cursed is a man that makes a man his hope. My word is alive. It breaths love, wisdom, courage, faith, healing and more. Everything is found on your knees. 

When I tell you to receive your blessings. Plant them in your hearts. Teach yourselves how to plant blessings in your hearts; up to your fourth generation. When I speak any blessing to your lives, plant it in your hearts up to your fourth generation. Plant salvation, love, wisdom, obedience, and more and it shall be so. I do not do small time things. If it is faith big faith. If blessings mighty blessings. Continue in prayers. 

My children do not know blessings are planted, watered and fertilized. Water is prayers. Fertilizer is fasting. I will reveal to you how these seeds germinate. When you pray, fast with humility, you will get your blessings. I will fight for my children, if I do not fight for you, who will? Am great in battle. My wars are mighty, and the victory is assured. If you have other gods in your lives, it does not mean you bow to them. But anything that comes first in your life except me; is a god.

I am like a mirror; what you come with, is what I reflect back to you. You come with great love; I reflect great love. When you continue planting seeds of blessings I receive praise. In heaven, I am adored, when you walk holy on earth. I have so many things to tell you, cultivate this relationship even more. Praise me; I dwell in you. May you bring your sacrifices before me to be burned for a sweet incense. I am the one who closes doors and the one who opens. I have many names. Anything you ask, I will do. 

The devil cannot be near confidence. Have confidence in me and the devil will be away from you. If you promise to do something; do it So that the enemy does not ask me for permission to touch you.

Faith shakes heaven. And everyone in heaven asks, who is it again that is shaking heaven. I want faith like that of my prophets and my apostles. They shock heaven in their days until those who were in heaven by then, asked, who is it, that is shaking heaven, Is it Jeremiah or Isaiah. Shake heaven by your faith, and you will see me. Miracles sign and wonders follow my children. I am a God of sign and wonders. Continue seeking me and you will desire to stay in my presence.

All my characters are my names. You should have every character that I have. It will bring me glory to see my children come to me because of your words. Those who judge quickly they forget that they are worse than the one they are judging. I bring my children to you to love them and not to judge them. Those ministers that judge my children; they lack love. They see faults and not love. I died for all my children. Confidence moves me. 

When you come with confidence, you come knowing that I am able. I created all things, I love you my children, it will not affect me to give you anything that you ask me with confidence. I will do because I have to prove myself to you by making a way for you. Love comes as a gift parcel. When you unwrap it; there is more inside. You will find love, obedience, wisdom, and more. Love draws those who have no love unto you. Faith brings all gifts. You cannot believe without love. Love comes first then hearts are broken. 

Everything is about proving in my kingdom. You have to prove your love, kindness, wisdom, patience and all my characters. When we burn them in heaven they bring so much joy to us and I bless you. Gentleness is tested in you when rough people come your way and you still love them. Patience is tested when people who are slow to learn come your way and you still love them and teach them. 

Canaan is where things are fine and ok. Givers are blessed to give. But when I send them three times and they obey not; I sweep them away. Their hearts are on fire if they don’t give. Without faith that shakes heaven you cannot enter your Canaan.

LETTER 8: The secret of praying and fasting.

JESUS SAYS: 16/4/2015. 

Pray and fast deep. Prayer is a big topic; desire to speak in tongues. Fast more. When you fast, the hunger for me grows, your prayers and your faith increases. Desire to grow, to another level. Do not be in the same level all the time. When you lack, and give to others you grow. Don’t only give when you have plenty. When you help the sick, that is growth. Desire to see people the way I see them. The greatest test is love because it is the greatest commandment. Love is the greatest challenge to many. If you see a person and you remember I died for them, that is love. Serving me and desiring to be closer to me, is love. Having the time to seek me, is love. 

Trouble must come your way so that you can learn patience. Do not go to sleep with un forgiveness in your heart. As soon as one wrongs you; forgive. If you learn to forgive others, then you grow. Do not be quarrelsome. If anyone quarrels; do not fight. Love is mentioned everywhere in the Bible. 

If you seek me, you will find me. I desire a relationship with you that is why I want you to learn patience. Love, wisdom, obedience, service to other, faiths and everything I have taught you. I accomplish my word. If you bring it to me I will accomplish it. Learn my word and you will automatically grow. You will know what I want from you. If you respect one another you grow.

Fasting is very important, demons flee and many things go. Desire to fast most of your days. The food you eat here, is not what you will eat in heaven. Worship is a sign of love. Increase in my qualities. I am God of love and mercy. God who is kind and merciful. God full of grace. Carry the burden of the world. I respect my father just as I respect my servants. Learn honor and know my word. You cannot meditate on the word you do not know. If I say I have blessed you with anything, pray about it more so that you can receive it. My father rewards workers. The secret of getting things that I have promised is by fasting and praying. When I promise, it is your time and your turn to pray and fast even more. Devil will remain under your feet’s. Even the devil fasts. You need to learn and read about fasting more.

 “25And now O Lord God the word that you have spoken concerning your servant and concerning his house establish it forever, and do as you have said. 26And let your name be magnified forever, saying; the Lord of host is the God over Israel and let your house of servant David be established before you.” (2 Samuel 7:25-26)

When I promise you anything the devil fights back, but he is under your feet. When you are found on your knees I receive glory. Fast and pray even my disciples fasted. When you are on your knees and are fasting, you will see my glory. My kingdom is the greatest. I will continue to teach you, to guide you, to be the light upon your feet. I have promised and I will accomplish.

LETTER 9: Use your gifts.

JESUS SAYS: 19/4/2015. 

There are many blessings. Be specific while asking. Do not just say clothes; say either new or second hand. Food which food. Meat which meat. Work for my kingdom. My kingdom is for workers. If you are praying for the car say which car. I know them but you must labor; my kingdom is not for the lazy people. If it is the house, say, you want it where and which size. Be specific. If it is school fee, say how much. Not just school fees. I do not associate myself with small things, they do not give me glory. I want you to live in plenty; I walk in gold. 

Pride should not be found in you. People who do not want to use their gifts begin to worship men who use their gifts. Rewards on earth depends on the amount of labor a person renders before me. Desire to walk in this level that attracts blessings. Anointing attracts blessings. Spiritual gifts attract blessings. Pray in the spirit, be prayerful all the time. Bring all your plans to me. Many of my children do not desire to see my face. They do not pray about it. I qualify you daily. Ask me for faith. All things I give freely. The wisdom of money is mine; I give it freely. I walk on gold. My York of love, peace, faith, and more are light and I give them freely. Bring your heavy York to me. Bring your words. 

You are worth before me because you obey me. Never despise yourselves. Doubts and fear come from the enemy. They should never be found in you. How can you be fearful when you have found me, I wait for those who are weary, you have to let me control everything in your life. Do not say you cannot, because I can. Do not say you do not have, because I have. I cannot fail. Do not speak negative words. Words are very important. Learn to speak positive, with Clean and holy thoughts and words. Do not say again you do not have because I have. My store can never be empty because of whom I am. I am happy when you put all your needs before me with confidence. Obey me and see me prosper you. I require you to respect me. I pay with the heavenly currency not with the worlds. I pay in my own way. To whom much is given much is expected. Do not come to me with sorrow and complains but with love, faith and confidence. Know how to receive your blessings. When I send my angles to bring your blessings and you do not know how to receive them, they come back to me. And the enemy laughs at me because of your ignorance, foolishness of men. There are blessings you do not ask for, because you take them for granted. Those ones I add them to your prayer list, like good healthy.