LETTER 10: When you refuse to serve me.

JESUS SAYS: 22/4/2015.

The works of the enemy is under your feet. When he comes with a battle to you and you say he is under your feet, he gets defeated. Many things happen when you tell the devil is under your feet. I desire the whole world to come to me. Pray for the whole world to come to me. Pray even more, I do not repent when men refuse to do my work. If you refuse to work for me, I will lift up another person and I will give him both your anointing and his, double anointing. To walk with me; you must have confidence. Focus on me, on my word and my death. Continue serving me and others. 

Pray for others so that when I come to harvest I may harvest much. I am a God who makes a way where there is no way. Carrying the cross and staying with me forever, is because of love. When you sin, you will know because your hearts will be broken. Bring your thoughts so that I may purify them, that you may be accepted by my father. Continue to desire that many people come to me. One person is enough for the whole world to be saved. May you continue exercising your faith.

LETTER 11: No heaven without my baptism.

JESUS SAYS 26/4/2015

Ask for the wisdom of my word; I give freely. The word I have written should not be in vain to you. Ask for understanding. People come and go. Years will pass, but my word lives forever. Those who understand my word, have rewards. 

I give different understanding every time you read my word. No one can teach you like I do. Because of love I will teach you even more. People suffered because of faith. They were mocked, laughed at and killed. They closed their ears, but Lots wife did not close hers. she looked behind and she became a pillar of salt. I was not there by then. I was a promise to come later. They had not seen me. That time they had to live right and come to the father. But now I am the way. You must come to the father, only through me. You cannot please the father, if you have not pleased the son. If you cannot recognize the sacrifice, you cannot recognize the owner of the sacrifice.

When a person is being saved, I go back to the cross and blood comes out of me, just for him, and his heavy Laden’s are left at the cross. I have put the devil under your feet. I will help you to defeat the grave. I am preparing a table for you, because of love. Many shall come to my father because of the love I showed at the cross. I am also a father to those who trust me. I was baptized, you too my sons must be baptized. They are not coming to me those who die without baptism. I demonstrated how it must be done. I was immersed you too must be immersed in water. Learn from me and I shall receive glory. Do it my way and it shall be accepted. Teach baptism to those who are deceived. 

Mary is not a savior. Those who worship her are sinners. There will be no other sacrifice to bring men to the father. I became sin. Sin and death are defeated at the cross. 

I have released my wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I make known the purpose of why my word was written for you. Baptism, tithing, giving, obedience and all my characters are important. I prayed until I sweat. You need to pray too. I washed my disciple feet. It was an example to you of service unto others. I read my word in the temple. You need to read it too. You need to honor your leaders. I respected the authority by surrendering to them for death. I will judge you by my word. I beseech you to read it.

I obeyed my father to death. Do not judge others. I did not judge those who cursed me. I had power but I just looked at them and they were falling down. When I died, there was total darkness. I had the power to run away from the cross but I respected my father and the word of my prophets. I sort to do my fathers will. Do my will. 

Without love you cannot pray for others. Pray to be given what you lack in these. I raised the dead. You shall raise the dead too. I multiplied food you shall multiply food too. Elijah stopped rain, you shall do more too. Ask by faith. To them that I love I give freely. All the acts of the prophets, you shall do them even more, because I am the great I AM. 

These things I am teaching you will never depart from you. Desire to walk and decrease even more, so that I may guide you. Sin has a reward. Righteousness has a reward too. Work knowing that everything has a reward. Seeking me has a reward because you shall find me. I want to reward you with my visitation all the time. I want to reward you by showing you my face. I want to reward you by showing you my heaven. 

Serving others has a reward. In every deceit, hate, envy all these have rewards. One sin begets another and hell is the reward of all sins. I walk with humility. Mary, Joseph, David, Moses, Enoch, Peter, Paul, Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and all my servants were rewarded. Seek to know what they did. Isaiah was rewarded for telling the word, the way it is. Daniel was rewarded for discerning the time of captivity was over. Anyone who does good to you will be rewarded. Those who do bad to you will also be rewarded. Paul was rewarded because of obeying my voice. Search in my word and know how I reward and what begets a reward. I am giving you a homework. Learn about these people. If you do not do this homework surely, they will be a reward. I want no jokes with my work. I will descend with a rod, I will beat you without mercy, but with love. I want things the way I speak them.

LETTER 12: Your hearts are altars.

JESUS SAYS: 27/4/2015. 

Altars are your hearts. If you do not pray, altars cannot work. I am the sacrifice and you are the altars. Your work is to exalt me. Those who are not save fear salvation because those who are saved are not serious and they are sinning. I dress for war when am called for war. When you call me to come and teach you, I become a teacher and I come down dressed like a teacher. When you call me because of a sick person, I become a doctor and I come down dressed like a doctor. I change depending on how you call me. We are preparing a banquette for you. Keep your clothes ready, well ironed without wrinkles. Clean without a spot. Any spot or wrinkle is sin. 

 7Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready. 8And to her was granted that she should be arrayed with fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of saints.” (Revelation 19:7-8)

Ask for forgiveness all the time you come before me. When you forgive others, I forgive you too. I hold each and every hand of a Christian. When you tell me to hold your hand, I hold. Forgive others and the door trouble will not be opened for the enemy, to you. I desire to reveal myself and walk with you so that you can see me as I am. Let your eyes be focused on me. I do not force anyone to serve me. Continue searching me; you will find me. If you ask for bread, I will give you bread. When it is the right time for you to receive; I give. I want workers who are not lazy. Workers who will not focus on themselves, but my kingdom. Every time you call me, I do not come empty handed. I come with blessings. 

Do not be weary of praying for the world, the sick, Pray for your nations. There is so much sin from leaders and their citizens. Pray for parliament, those at war and the afflicted. Pray for salvation. It begins with salvation. Pray for your children for the enemy uses them to offend you. When you are offended, he gets a door into you. Pray for your relatives. Pray for your neighbors. You will not have prayed in vain. You will have laid a solid foundation, even to those who are not born again. Pray and fast with praise in your hearts and not with fear.

LETTER 13: A leader must have love.

JESUS SAYS:  30/4/2015.

If you want your child to be a pilot; speak it to him every morning. Their brains are like sponge. Tell them so that when they grow up, they would know whom they would be. Plant that in them, it will bear fruits because you have authority over them. When you start when they are young; By the time they grow they shall believe in themselves. Do this in love. 

At the cross I became medicine for the sick. Pray for workers, I need workers who will respect and obey me. Leadership is service unto others. Putting others before yourself. It begins with fear of me. A leader must have patience, love and wisdom. When you fear me you will have faith. Bring my word to me so that I may perform it. Read my word and grow in it. My word grows and matures like a child. If you read it more, you grow and mature even more and faster. 

LETTER 14: Read my word and bring it to me in prayers.

JESUS SAYS: 30/4/2015. 

All who walked with me; I kept their vows. Bring your vows to me but not foolish ones. Write them down so that you do not forget. If you see like you do not have faith, test me like Gideon. When I make a promise; I keep it. When you make a vow; I come with fire because a vow is a sacrifice. The only way I can fulfill my promise is by you making your vows. Many of my servants die because of not fulfilling their vows. Vows that are not respected open doors for the devil. 

Test me for anything. Do not cry you want food, bring my word. I do and accomplish my word. Read my word and bring it to me, I will accomplish it. Have joy in your hearts. Walk knowing, I have done it and I will do it even more. I speak life, restoration and honor to my children. I love deep relationship with my children. I am a might God. I need you to be joyful. Commit your plans unto me that I may establish them. When men become proud I depart and they fall.    

When fighting Spiritual battles, and you happen to see a snake in a vision; trample over it on the head, burn it by the fire of the holy spirit. Speak the blood so that it is not replaced. A horse and the rider; attack the rider with the sword of the spirit, cut it in pieces, burn it then call on the blood so that it is not replaced. A bottle or a pot break it, burn it, then call on the blood so it will not be replaced. Arrows, you break them, burn them, call on the blood so they will not be replaced. Spirits that have breath cut them burn them call on the blood. I will teach you war. The devil is under your feet’s. Say it with confidence. I have arrows and clubs and all weapons of warfare. I use what you give me. I am a God courageous at war. 

Be courageous too. Continue speaking my blood all the time. Evil altars do not die until I sweep away those who serve them. I remove weeds. Weeds are characters, friends and people that I do not want. A leaf that is healthy is what you are when you are holy. When evil altars in your lives are not broken then anyone you lay your hands on will be destroyed by them. Do not be quick to be laid hands on. Do not lay hands on anyone.

I fight at your pace, because human beings are weak. I pick the best to serve me. Tears speak much. I understand the language of tears, when your words cannot express your feelings. I understand tears. Find an intimate name that you can call me. I am a faithful God. If you are humble I humble too. If you are proud, I become proud too. If you put me last, I will put you last. If you put me first, I put you first. When you honor my voice, you honor me. I protect you in my wings. Do not ever see like I am late. I come at the right time. Always remain on your knees. I am teaching you things that generation will learn. I love you so much. That is why I rebuke you. Sleep at the wrong time is sin.  

Bring your words so that I can fight for you. The battle is great and sleep is the weapon the enemy is using. Any time you come to pray, sleep should not be found in you. I deserve praise for I am the beginning and the end. If you love me, you cannot come to me with 

sleep. Increase in all my characters. Love makes us happy. Take out sleep from you and you shall see the great things I want to do for you. Continue to serve others, and I will serve you. Continue loving others and I will receive praise. Walk like you know who I am. Like you know I have chosen you. Everyday increase and pray for others as I have taught you. Sleep is the door the enemy uses. Focus not on the mountains but to the one who created the mountains. Command the mountains of hopelessness and doubts to move. Command the boat to be still.  I am the one who calms the storms.

LETTER 15: Those who served me left their sleep.

JESUS SAYS: 1/5/2015.

I am a mighty God. King of kings. Christ that lives. Redeemer, savior friend. I am merciful to those who have mercy on others. If you walk with me I will show you love that can be touched. If you search you shall surely find. Do not be afraid when you pass through fire and waters. Rebuke fear and doubts. Learn to cry before me. They are sins which go away when you cry, like the sins of bitterness and anger. 

When you are humble you will cry before me. Devil has lied to my children that crying is shameful. Crying is boldness before me. In every work that you do surely there is a reward. Workers that pray and read my word are rewarded by my father. May you be a perfect example to others. Teach my children the right way so that when I talk to them they will listen. Ground them in my word when they come, so that they may know my voice. There are those who will learn fast even in a day, so that when I use my servants to speak to them they will listen.

If you make a vow and you don’t keep it is a sin. And It opens doors for the enemy. Christians make foolish vows every day and they forget to keep them. Any sin is a door for the enemy. Do not open doors for the enemy. Doors are many. When you come before me repent always. The moment you kill someone in your heart that is murder. When you kill someone’s heart with words or action that too is murder. Doors are used by the enemy to enter your hearts. When he gets inside you; he calls other demons so that you can sin more. When you say, you will fast, make sure you fast. When I hold your hands and mountains come; we will walk through them together. I am showing my face to many of my children in the world, because my church has backslidden, but I am reviving it. Seek for forgiveness all the time. Keep your vows. 

LETTER 16: Woe unto the one that will look back.

JESUS SAYS: 3/5/2015.

I establish the plans of my children because of my faithfulness. I am faithful, I provide all your needs. Be faithful to me, for I am faithful. When I wake you up to pray, I am faithful. I walk in faithfulness. I walk with all my characters. Let your prayers be fervent and persistent and I will answer them. Continue praying for others. Continue seeking and you shall find. When you go deeper in prayers, I also reveal more. I will reveal more of my plans to you. I will reveal the hearts of men to you. Desire to reach the level of knowing the hearts and thoughts of men. You should know when they think evil and separate yourselves from them. Discernment is there to be given. Seek for it courageously. That is what I desire of you. It reaches a time when you know what a person will say next. If you get this discernment many things will follow. Discernment is truth, if you have truth in you, things that follow truth will follow you.

Obedience comes with great reward. You will know fear, and you will respect me. Everything has its own reward. Eternal life is the greatest reward. There are other rewards on earth. Serving me is a reward. Patience is a reward. When I train my child in my ways, he shall never depart from it. I will fight for you until the end. Those I have chosen, have no choice but to be like me. Just as you desire to pray diligently; do my work with diligence. 

All great men have never slept more than six hours in a day. Those who served me left their sleep. Twelve o’clock in the midnight to three o’clock you must wake up and pray. Out of twenty-four hours daily, I am asking you only for three hours so that I can fight your battles, is that much my children? That is the time we fight your battles. Wake up and command the morning. There are people in the hospital who cannot sleep because of pain. Laziness is sin. Sleep opens the door of laziness. Laziness opens the door of poverty. Desire to serve me. Train your bodies not to love sleep because you are my warriors. Earthly warriors wake up early. If you do not obey I will use the rod of correction. Your grace is limited because you know me. Grace abounds more in sin and not to those who know me.

Present your petition with my words not your words. I never sleep; I never slumber. These should not be found in you. You should reflect my character. You can deny yourselves sleep and do my work. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the reward. Pray for others; do not forget them.

Discernment is found deeper in prayers. You should know the hearts of men, even before they speak. Woe unto the one that will turn back, he will not see my kingdom. And I will lift up another person in his place. I have names of all situation in my word, Read it. People in the Bible called me by my names in their situation and I answered them. If you love sleep, you will lose eternal life. Many are in hell because of both physical and spiritual sleep. I do not want people who play with my word. 

When you vow to serve me; I vow to serve you. You will work for me and I do not repent. On that day, I will ask you to account for the work you did for me on earth. If you bring little and I gave you much, I will not know you. Continue praying and walking with me. Narrow is the gate to me, and it is getting even more narrower every day. 

Continue fighting battles. Bring useful words before me. Words that are worthy of my servants. Read my word and bring it to me. Read so that you may have understanding. Seek for discernment. I love you that is why I come down and fit in your level. I cannot speak to you when you are asleep. I will speak to hearts that are willing, obedient, humble and broken. Pray for the pregnant women, for as in the old days Kings still kill babies. Pray also for the sick. Pray that the sick may have faith in me. I am their healer. When I say, I have done something, pray even more.

Close all doors that the enemy will not come in. Because I am a faithful God; I need faithful servants. Increase the level of serving me, so that I may be glorified. Pray for your children, they are my servants, even to your fourth generation. A servant begets a servant. You are my representatives on earth. 

Carrying your cross, is working out your salvation. You need to learn my characters and my will. If you want to know my will, deny yourselves and carry your cross. Will you be found ever true to me, prove your love by working for me, I will accomplish your desires and your plans. When you receive salvation, you enter my father’s house and you begin to learn my ways. 

Anyone who has a heavy load bring it to me and I will remove it. Walk in my will and you will receive eternal life. Walk in my will and you will deny yourselves. Read my word and pray all the time. Ask for my will and what I want for you. Come asking me what I want for you and I will reveal it to you. It is time for revival. You have heard it, you have seen it. Now I do not focus on churches but individual. I have begun to reveal myself to my children all over the world. I fellowship with them as I do with you. When I begin to reveal myself to you I do not stop. When you receive me the first time I never stop as long as you remain holy. I am not limited; I use anything in the eyes of men. 

When I use people, who have sinned more before I am glorified more. Many people change because of the testimony of the people who sinned more before knowing me. Do not be quick to judge. You may think you are holy but your holiness is a filth rug before me. I use women more because many women are trooping to hell because they have in themselves the properties of the enemy both in the hearts and in their dressing. The women whom I have used before they judge my children so harshly. Many women judge harshly. I do not need ministers; I need workers.

I do not need titles but workers who will bring me joy for the world makes me cry. I want people who will wipe away my tears by working for me. I died for all men, but they still perish. My pain and my death was in vain to all who are going to hell. Tears are the only thing I do when I see them going to hell. It breaks my heart when people die and go to hell. 

It brings me tears when I call for obedience and they do not obey. They want to order me around; I cannot be ordered by men. They do not want to seek me, instead they want others to seek me for them. 

You can never claim to love me when you do not read my word. Going to church only on Sunday and you cannot love others is laboring in vain. I need love my children. I am not a fifty, fifty, God. I spit out those people who make me cry. The time you decide to sin, it may be the time you are dying. Do not labor in vain. I need workers who will wipe away my tears. I am full of love and mercy that is why I cry for you. If you see the multitude in hell and the fresh one’s entering hell; it will break your hearts. But surely, they have received their reward.  When I visit them in hell, they always cry mercy to me, foolishness of men!! my word is open and clear, you need no interpretation, because what it says is what it means, it says immediately after death comes judgement, that is exactly what it means. The problem comes when you begin to interpret it the enemy will bring in his revelation. Mercy is in the world once you die in sin there is no mercy for you. When you go out to preach tell them; I love them and I died for them. I died for their sins before they were born. Tell them I am the way and they should desire to know my will. You cannot please me if you do not know the agenda of my kingdom. 

Read my word and meditate upon it. You cannot meditate upon what you do not know. I love you so much with love you can touch. I died for you, what more do you want me to do for you so that you may come to me. My death was a painful path full of tears and many are departing from it. This path is getting narrower every day, because it is the end time and I am coming now. 

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling by praying, fasting and reading my word. Use this chance, utilize it, time is coming and I will not be found. You need to work for me especial you, who have known my voice and all those who know me. There is nothing much you can do for me except you work for me. Teach those people who will come, they should not point a finger at my servant by word or action. 

Not all my servants are a touch not, I choose few to be touch not, so that through them I may be feared among men. I was not a touch not myself, that is why I was killed by men. Because if I was a touch not, no man would have been able to harm me. If you touch my touch not I will strike you and I will throw you to the fire. Teach them, ground them and send them out when I direct. That way my word will spread

very fast. I am a blessing to those who are a blessing to me. I am a curse to those who are a curse to me.

LETTER 17: I do not respect titles but workers

JESUS SAYS: 5/52015. 

Serve me with diligence; I don’t respect titles but workers. Focus on heaven in all you do. When you pray, fast and read my word focus on heaven. Increase in all good works. Anyone that will not work for me, I will spit him out of my mouth. I am not a respecter of persons. It is time you prove your love to me by working for my kingdom. It is easier to train an individual than the crowd full of titles. When children are born, there are midwifes assigned to kill them. They die because Christians are sleeping. I will teach you how to pray because I give blessings when you ask. The enemy locks your blessings but I will teach you how to unlock them. I will teach you how to meditate upon my word. 

Do not put off your lights, be salt of the world. I am coming for a fit bride. A bride that has faith, love, hope, obedience and full of my word. A bride that is worthy to be called by my name. My bride now is full of filthy, anger and sin. When blessings come; pray, fast and declare them more upon your lives. Desire just what I have promised you. Do not desire much for you may lose focus. A fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 

There are so many spirits that holds your blessings. When you pray and fast those prayers come to me fast. Daniel’s prayers were held by the prince of Persia. Even today prince of Persia holds prayers. When you pray and fast, persist on one item and it will be done. When you live right, pray, fast and read my word, then I send my angles to come and fight the princes. The prince of Persia knows my word. You cannot defeat him without my word. These princes are many they form a web and your blessings that are released cannot pass. Sometime you come doubting because of listening to the voice of the enemy. When you begin to hear the voice of the enemy, fear, doubts, worry and self-pity gets a door into you.  You need to fight these princes, of air, of land and the sea. Another reason why I delay your blessings is that you may seek me even more, because you are my servants. Laboring for trillion souls is not easy. You will say receive to them and they will receive their blessings. That is why you must labor now on your knees for my sheep. My chosen ones must labor for the called. My chosen ones cannot go to hell because my anointing is in them. Only the few I spit them out, if they refuse completely to be serve me. Do not be jealous for those you shall pray for and receive their blessings without their own labor. 

 “I sent you to reap on which you bestowed no labor: other men labored and you are entered into their labor.” (John 4:38)

There is a time I will not speak just to see whether you will still work for me. I need to know whether you are working for me because I am speaking to you or not. You cannot be an encourager if you have not gone through problems. Every situation you are passing through is a juggle for others. I am not coming for churches but individuals. Those I called in churches have become filthy. Church is one body when the legs or hands are dirty then the whole body is considered dirty and no matter how much they call me; I will not come down. I do not associate myself with sin.

Your prayers should grow from “me; me” and begin to ask for my will for every situation. Fast to know my will in every situation. Ask me how I want to be pleased by you my children. Praying for others please me. Ever be ready for me and be a fit bride for me. Increase in me. It is not only the devil who uses people to hurt you. I also use people to hurt you so that I can know whether you will still love them for me, pray for them and forgive them. If you know who I am you will walk with me courageously. Seek to know all my names and call me by my names when you are in trouble.

Do not forget to seek my kingdom and my love. Seek for discernment because people will come with motives that are not mine. When you help evil people with your money; you lock your own money. This is a spiritual Bible school the faster you grow the faster and easier for me to send you, and I will receive praise.  Let your desire glorify me. I bless at different times. 

On earth, I reward according to your labor. Do not give up. Time will come and I will wipe away your tears. Increase your tents in all things. Spiritual battles are fought every day. When you get one blessing the rest will follow you, like rain that is why I said in my word if you seek my kingdom and get it all other blessings will follow you. Crying before me shows great strength, and I wipe your tears courageously. Cry for one thing, when you get one you will get all.

LETTER 18: Do not be deceived.

JESUS SAYS:  7/5/2015. 

I suffered a lot for men yet they reject me and go to hell in large numbers. I paid an expensive dowry for you. Before I died I suffered. I was striped and I said for my stripes you are healed. When I was crucified the Holy Spirit departed from me. It brings me tears when I see people going to hell. The heavens rejoice over one soul that comes to heaven. Let my death not be in vain for you. I died for all men. Many are going to hell. Some begin well and as they continue they depart from me. 

 My death is everything, if you cannot recognize my death, you cannot recognize me. If you cannot read my word, how will I speak to you? I humble myself to knock at people hearts knowing very well that they will not accept me. When the door of grace closes. I forget everything you did for me. You cannot say you did good works yesterday because the glory of yesterday is gone. Do not be deceived by preachers that contradict my word. Be aware of such people they are taking my children to hell. Deceit is in the world; they should tell my word as it is. In such gathering I am not found.

Many begin with me but finish in the flesh. Teaching things in their own understanding. If a good preacher stands in a funeral, many turns to me, for in every death, men should know me. You can only be deceived if you do not read my word. But if you read my word; you cannot be deceived. It brings tears in my eyes because all churches are taking my children to hell, in the whole country. In other countries, you may find one or two churches that are taking my children to heaven, but most of them are taking my children to hell.

Work for me and you will wipe away my tears. Even now many are dying and they are going to hell. Heaven is quiet and they are not coming. We reward every word action and thoughts of men. Seek me and increase in me. Devil knows my word; that is why everyone that goes to him he knows which word condemns them to hell. The devil preaches to them in hell. He tells them if they had read my word and obeyed me they wouldn’t be in hell. Read and know my word and when you bring it to me as a prayer I will accomplish it. 

Foolish words add no value to me and my kingdom. Do not grow weary for we do not slumber. Simply obedience is rewarded much. When you obey my word, things begin to work for you. Serve me with all your strength and all that you have. I will keep you near me and I will lift you up.

LETTER 19: Read the entire bible once every month.

JESUS SAYS: 8/5/2015.

Continue making vows and I will accomplish mine. When I make a vow. it will come to pass. We vowed we are making a place for you in heaven and that is what we are doing. Write the vows I have given you and you will be ticking them one by one as I fulfill them. I desire you to honor me, please me, work for me, I show you how. My desire is to see everyone come to me. My word is binding and it is a vow and truth. You can read the entire bible even once every month. Every time you read it, it speaks a new and differently. It cannot speak the same if you have the Holy Spirit in you. 

I desire a fit bride. A fit bride not before the eyes of men, but before my eyes. For men know not how to judge right. I am not found in churches but on your knees. I am found by individual who seek and serve me. A fit bride is one that works for me. Worthy for me, full of grace. full of my word, knows my voice and my word, full of my love and full of all my characters. Increase in all good works in kindness and in faith. I want a bride worthy to be called by my name. I have decided to work with those who are ready to work for me and with me.

I have many names. What you are going through I have a name for it. Call me by that name and I will come down. Let your love bear fruits. Let your fruits bear fruits. Let your obedience bear fruits. Wherever you humble yourself on earth, in heaven you appear lying down. Wherever you are praying on earth, in heaven you appear kneeling down. When I am ministering to you, you all appear prostrating before me. When I say, I am might, I am, but your carnal minds cannot understand this. Love one another the way I love you. Do not see others the way they look but the way I see them. The walk of faith is the walk with me. Do my work with all your mind, heart and strength. Do not be lukewarm: 

 “15I know your work that you are neither cold or hot. 16So then because you are lukewarm, and you are neither cold or warm, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16)

I bless without repenting. Prophetic ministry is hard for doubters. Do not have doubts. Where do you get doubts from; Have my characters only, is what I want of you. Worry brings doubts then backsliding, one door opens up many doors. I do not want anything to change our relationship. Worry removes faith, courage, prayers and many things. I must be found by men who seek me because I keep my vows. Why should I lie. I have turned my face from many Christians; I do not see them anymore because of their sins. They do not serve me but the world. 

Those who fear me, obey and serve me. Those who do not serve and obey me, do not fear me. Seeking me begins with obedience, patience and love. My grace is less to those who know me. When grace is over, I lock the door of grace over someone. 

Even if they live over a hundred years, they shall never be saved, instead they will just go to hell. Grace is what makes me save and forgive men. When you know me, and decide to commit sin, grace begins to decrease until it is no more. When you know me, the grace is small, and when it is finished, I sweep you to hell. Serving me comes with warning. If you do not obey me, the door of grace is closed and you are destined to hell. I require great service, obedience, patience and love. Service begins by loving me first, then yourself then others. I am called patience; if you need it ask it from me. To him that much is given much is required. It is better to remain with sins you do not know; than committing sin knowingly. I have wrath to those who knows me because I am a jealous God.

I do not force men to serve me because I am gentle, only the enemy uses force. I do not want to lock the door of grace over my children. To the anointed my grace is small but to others they can sin and get saved. You need to fear me even after you have seen my side of laughter. I walk not with children who disobey me. When I give you instructions or send you I will need obedience. When I say to you go right, and you go left, surely…! I will leave you. The grace of this ministry is great but not to persons. 

The ones called into the leadership of this ministry, their grace is short. Grace becomes even smaller when I reveal my face to you. After seeing my face and you decide to follow the enemy; you will go to hell. The enemy will preach to you, he will tell you, you saw even his face and you still chose to come here, why didn’t you not obey him? Desire to see my face but there is positive and negative repercussion. Desire to see my face, but when you turn away from me I will throw you to the fire. If you do not obey me, after seeing my face, I will cut you off and throw you to the fire of hell. You must see my face because I promised. 

Everyone that will see my face, my grace will be limited to him. When I reveal my face to you, you will not turn back. I will not allow you to serve the enemy, after seeing my face. Fear me. It all begins with fear. Obedience is better. I do not require sacrifice. I require obedience. Fear me and obedience will automatically come. I want you to increase in all good works. All the gifts I have given you, let them bear fruits. I have given you all the gifts. However; whosoever much is given much is required. The gifts of prophecy, discernment, teaching, sign and wonders, healing and more. Surely each gift has a reward. Deny the world and serve me. Let your thoughts reflect me.

Let my characters be in you and I will be exalted in heaven. I am your savior. I am a friend to those who come to me with broken hearts. I am your teacher and your guide. I am a great God, I am full of grace, kindness, mercy and love. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Continue reading my word and you will never be shaken by those who use my word for their own personal gain, and those who change it. You cannot be deceived; for those who are deceived are those who do not read my word, they love shortcuts. 

Those that comes to this ministry, challenge them to read my word. If you know my word, you will serve me with diligence. I have given you the way forward into serving me. I emphasize; that you read my word even more. 

Read it diligently with all your heart. Let your action, thoughts and words reflect me and my word. Those who go to church on Sunday only and are read and explained to only one verse are deceived. I need you to know the whole bible, for what you do not read will condemn you to hell. What you read and fail to 

Practice will also condemn you to hell. You do not need to interpret my word. My word is clear do just what it says.

Those who reject my word; they interpret it because they want to hear from it what their ears are itching to hear. If you cannot interpret a letter from a friend; why do you interpret my word? If a letter says we meet tomorrow and you do not want to meet me, then you will automatically interpret it the way you want. My word is clear and open, do exactly what it says and you will see me. If you read my word you will have discernment. Read it diligently, read it and read it again. Every time you pray using my word; I am exalted. Those who fear me; I will sit with them in heaven. I am a God of free will. I give to men free will so that they can chose their path either good or bad, wrong or right. Free will to choose how they want to live, and where they want to spend their eternity. Choose your eternal home wisely.