LETTER 20: Desire that I may be known as your GOD.

JESUS SAYS: 9/5/2015. 

I’m full of wonders. You; speaking, walking, talking and everything you are able to do, is my wonder. Everywhere you go you see my wonder. Even life is a wonder because your lives are in my hands. If you see me in all things surely you will obey me. How I put children in their mother’s womb and how they grow is a wonder. I am the one who measures growth. 

If you discover who I am you will fear me. I have a name for every situation. When you discover my name for your situation and call me by that name I will come down, To the sick I am a great physician. It is your work to know my name for your situation. Every day I am called by a different name. Tomorrow I will have a different name. When you call me by my name of the day, I will come down. I have done many wonders. I have created bones and flesh; these are my wonders. I know how grass grows which one is withering and which one is budding. 

The number of animals and men I know all. Wonders are things you cannot explain. Moving sun and moon is my wonder. Sing wonders and miracles will follow you because they follow me. When you see wisdom, you see my wonder. How houses and big machines are made is my wonders. I am the one who give men such wisdom. 

Ask me for big houses and cars. I give my children wisdom to make them for you. But; my children do not ask me for these things. See my wisdom in how houses are being build nowadays. How cars, planes, phones and everything. Ask me to bless you for my glory. What holds planes in the air with all the weight it carries, is my wonder. No one knows where I came from, even if you think of where I came from you will never know. 

I am not the God of the dead but of the living. Desire that I may be knows as your God. I was known as a God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because they feared me, had faith in me and walked with me in obedience. How the Bible was written is a wonder because my word is alive. In all languages, I speak the same in my scriptures. I am the great I am. Rejoice in me because I am explaining to you, what a wonder is. I do not reveal these things to many. Many do not want to seek me because they have gone their own way. Those who love me do my work. When I say, I am the great I am, I am because I am. I am who I am because I am. When you are sick call me the great physician and I will become your healer. Call me love, when you need love and I will become love to you.

 If my disciples suffered, you will also suffer, you will be laughed at, mocked and be rejected for my sake. I am praised and I dwell in you because of your praises. I am worshiped and I dwell in your worship. Know my word more and more and read it again and again. If you read my word more it will speak even more to you. Know the one you worship because even now you do not know me. Do all things with excellence. 

Many Christian are getting weary of waiting for me and they are going back to Egypt. Going back to Egypt is to begin to trust in money, in men, your own strength and wisdom. I am not coming soon I am coming now. I want my bride to be ready for me. You are the lamps and the Holy Spirit is the oil. Everything bows to me because I am excellent and I am exalted high. Even the devil bows to me. Everything is supposed to kneel down before you because you have power and you are might because of me. 

When you begin to pray in heaven you appear kneeling down before me. Things bow before me in heaven and on earth. I am Holy. I require my holiness from you. I do not associate with sin and filthiness because I am Holy. Without holiness of hearts, thoughts, words and actions no one shall see me. Those who speak recklessly, I do not associate myself with them. Work out your salvation with holiness and righteousness. 

Those with Holy words, thoughts and actions shall see me. Moses removed his shoes without asking questions. He had blind obedience and he walked with him day and night, because he obeyed and removed his shoes. Abraham left his father’s house and moved forward without questions. He had blind obedience. He never turned back to his father’s house and because of that, I walked with him day and night. Whoever turns back is not fit for my kingdom. Lots wife looked back and she got destroyed. When you look behind you will turn back and you will be destroyed. When you look back you will go back to Egypt. Do not look back to where you are coming from. Do not look at things you did before. 

Do not even think of turning back. Encourage those who will come, they should never look back. These things and teachings are for you and all those that shall come to me. Those who are in hell are those without holiness. I am a good God full of patience. I wait for the process of sin to disappear from you, as you work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Tell it to others, without holiness no one shall see me. Command holiness and be strict with my word. Courage comes from holiness.

LETTER 21: You shall do even more.

JESUS SAYS: 10/5/2015. 

There is nothing hard for me. What I did was little you shall do even more. You can divide even Indian Ocean.

 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes unto me, the works that I do, shall he do also and more than these shall he do; because I go unto my father.” (John 14:12)

I have proved my love to my bride by dying on the cross for her. I am a worthy bridegroom. I want a worthy bride. Whoever shall come to me shall be welcomed by my father. Anyone who will say yes to you will be saying yes to me. When I send you, whoever rejects you, rejects me. Anyone that will serve me in truth, all the promises in my word are his. I am not a repentant God. You take my word or reject it. Without humans or humans, I am God. 

When I send you out never be discouraged when they reject my word for it is me they are rejecting. When they accept you, it is me they are accepting, and when they reject you, it is me they are rejecting. Do not worry or doubt that they won’t obey me. There are those hearts I made hard so that I can throw them to the fire of hell. There are those whose hearts are soft. There are those, whose hearts have been made hard by the world, those ones I make them until they obey me to salvation. 

 “He that receives you receives me, and he that receives me receives him that sent me” (Mathew 10:40)

 Whoever shall obey me, will walk with me and I will show myself greatness unto him, up to his fourth generation. Watch out and warn my children the kind of altars they are building. Your lives are altars. 

 “He that has my commandments and keeps them, he is that loves me, and he that loves me shall be loved by my father, and I will love him, and I will manifest myself in him.” (John 14:21)

When you obey or not there is a reward. Every altar of sin a man builds, it will affect him to his fourth generation. Be aware what you put in your lives because they are altars. Whatever evil the father does it curses his children to the fourth generation. That is why there are so many evil things happening to the families. Some are dead and some are in heaven but their children are suffering because of the sins they committed while on earth. I hate pride it is supposed to be found in me and me only. Deal with pride and pray against evil altars too. 

People shall come, warn them not to associate themselves with pride. When they come, I shall lift them up because you have labored for them. Tell them to humble more. You are my teachers. Teach and the ones who will listen will be blessed. 

Those who will not listen and those who will leave do not bother about them. I want courageous workers who do not care what people say. Finish the work of faith like me. I did not bother what people said. Despite many blessings, I will give you, let the people ever find you humble. Humble; even more. Haven’t I commanded you to read my word even more? Prove your love to me by reading my word. 

If you need help, I am here to help you. Bring anything to my hand and I will help you. Nothing in this earth can move me even you. I have decided to come down and to do my work, to guide and teach my children by myself, for those I called have failed me. Whoever shall work with me, we shall take many to heaven. 

Do not fall by failing to pray. Offer your prayers as sacrifice before me. For those much is given much is required. I give gifts not to be kept but to be used for others. Let your gifts not die but work for me. Desire to see my face and walk with me. I am God who cannot be defeated. When the end come, I will require my records from you. Those that shall come tell them I will give them gifts. If they desire all I will give them all but they should work for me. It is better to deny yourselves sleep and get eternal life. Desire not to sleep. I should not be laughed at by the enemy, when you are praying and I come down, I should not find you sleeping. Receive your blessings for being found on your knees. Without man we cannot do anything on earth; even the enemy cannot do anything on earth without man. I know my word everywhere, even where there is a comma and a full stope, I know. Increase in all good things.

LETTER 22: Fasting.

JESUS SAYS: 11/5/2015. 

When you fast dry do not drink anything. Fasting should begin from your hearts. If you fast for selfish desires, it is foolish fasting. Fasting because others are fasting, is foolish fasting. Fasting to save a meal or because you do not have food, is foolish fasting. Fasting to become slim or to show off, is also foolish fasting. Fast not for physical things. Fast for spiritual growth. Fast for your gifts, every month. 

Corporate fasting; you begin at the same time and end at the same time, lest you fast in vain. When you fast because you want to draw closer to me, let your thoughts be filled with how closer to me you want to be. If you are fasting for physical things; show me how I will also benefit. If not, then your fasting is in vain. There is no need for you to deny yourself and heaven has not recognized. When fasting, you must pray all the time and those prayers come directly to me. Know the reason for your fasting. I told you to choose one thing and pray for it until you receive it, then the rest shall follow. Obey and you shall not fast and pray in vain. Choose to fast for faith, love, or to defeat the enemy. When others come teach them that partial fasting is for the baby Christians. Fasting one day or two days is for baby Christians. First for one item for three days, twelve hours per day. When you grow, you will fast three days dry, let your fasting be full of me and my word and not your words. You can fast that I may write my word in your hearts. You can fast, to know me. I did not create aging but because of the first Adam sin, men grow very old and ugly. If men had not sinned, would not be growing old. There are things you need to labor for, spiritual gifts, labor in prayers persistently. I am always in you, waiting for your prayers and your tears that I may answer you.

 “16Moreover; when you fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance, for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily; I say unto you they have their reward, 17But you when you fast anoint your heads, and wash your faces, that you appear not unto men to fast. you.” (Mathew 6:16-17)

LETTER 23: Eternity should move you.

JESUS SAYS: 11/5/2015. 

I answer prayers. My name is God that answers prayers of my children. I answer your prayers because it is the channel men use to come to me. When you pray, I cover my children with my blood so that I do not see their sins and I answer them. If I answer prayers of sinners, how much more would I answer prayers of my children. When you bring prayers after denying yourself, I answer. My name is God who answers prayers. I answer at the right time, in purest might way. 

When I say; yes, take it courageously. When I say; wait, wait patiently, I see the future and I know all things. You cannot reason with me when you just look at me, but on your knees. I know what you will pray for in ten years to come, tomorrow and always. I know what goes on in your minds now and in the future, I know all things. When I say, you will live for a hundred years, begin to pray for it now. Do not wait until you are seventy. Pray persistently. Persistent keeps you focused. You cannot grow weary. Everyone in the bible prayed. Prophets never slumber, they never grow weary. Their prayers were answered at the neck of time. 

There are prayers I answer instantly like the prayer of healing. Those that I say wait are like prayers for the car and you do not even have a driving license. If you persist in your prayers, I will tell you where the illness is coming from. Faith attracts me to you, it pulls me to you. You are overcomers because every person that obeys me is an overcomer. Seek me more, I am found by men who love me. Do not be moved by things that are passing; eternity should move you. Spiritual battles are fought at midnight, from twelve o clock three o clock, 12am to 3am.

 12Have you commanded the morning since your days began; and caused the dawn to know its place; 13That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked may be shaken out of it?”(Job38:12-13)

I will teach you how to fight the powers that fight you. Fear is the greatest weapon of the enemy. Prince of Persia brings fear, doubts, self-pity and worry. These make faith and hope decrease. If you listen to these voices and believe in them he holds your physical blessings. Situations have voices and names. Uproot fear from the roots and plant faith. Faith grows when you pray, fast. Read my word and when I give you promises I am encouraging. When you say, I will come late or I will not do what I said; the prince of Persia gains ground over you. When you speak positive he loses strength and becomes weak and he can no longer hold your blessings. Faith speaks positive, greatness and hope.

When your faith grows, I send my angel to fight him for you. Never be weary or ashamed of working for me. Speak positive always and he will lose his strength. Princes of air, earth and the sea fear my authority in you. Doubts should not be found in you. You are my victors.

Do not allow in you; fear, doubts or anything that is not of me. It is good to be persistent in prayers because the princes take long before they decrease and shrink. The more you desire to pray, the more I will reveal myself to you. It depends on your desire. Pray all the time and when you finish this race I will receive praise. Every time you pray for altars, speak my word and my blood so that other voices can be silenced. Silencing other voices that are made in covenant is not easy, but do not fear, I can do everything. I am not a father of lies. Do not disappoint me because I have faith in you. Always find time for me so that I can strengthen you and use you. In battle, I will lead you to victory. The cost is high but the reward is great. It will cost you your friends, your family, tears and sleep. My disciple, were left alone. 

A Carnal man cannot understand my ways. I will bring my friends to you, so fear not when you lose your friends. It is better you finish the race with fear of me, than finishing it with wealth and sin. I collect tears and when I am rewarding I turn them into joy. 

This is not a church but a ministry. A ministry where people are taught and let to go and serve me. Your work is to pray for them and follow up with what they will be doing for me. Discourage them from opening churches. I am coming for individual not congregations. Pray that I may get more workers. 

Try to go extra miles for me. Delight in prayers and obey me. Desire me and be fiery for me. Read about Daniel, how he conquered the enemy. He feared me in his lifestyle. Do not hold on to men. Have no ties with them but with me. When you create ties with men; it will be hard for you to release them when I want them to go and serve me and that will be disobedient.

I want you to work as did my disciples so that you do not use your strength for sin. Laziness takes people to hell. When you defeat one prince you will have defeated all because their tactics are the same. The fruits that come with fear are doubts, self-pity and worry. The fruits that come with faith are courage, obedience and respect. Words are very important. Teach yourselves to speak positive. Do not just think what you want, speak. If I only thought, and not spoke nothing that exists today could be existing.

I spoke words and I created everything. Only man was created; the rest I spoke and they were made. I need words that I may perform it. Teach yourselves to speak out commands. You cannot command without words. Your words are rubber stumped in heaven. Those I told wake up and go, they were healed. I called Lazarus by telling him to wake up and he woke up. If you speak curses the enemy comes and tells me your child is cursing, do not bless him or her. Command situations by your words. Your words are great weapons against the enemy, as long as they are my word. If you need strength, ask for it using my word. Many are going to hell because of not asking for strength. God the father the son and the Holy Spirit, we are all in my word. Train the disciples and send them out, let them bring their account to you. Let not a day pass, without you learning something new. All the blessings and promises I have rubber stumped then in heaven. Seek for forgiveness all the time and make it your habit. 

Live repentant lives, and no door will be opened for the enemy to you. When I command you to go and you go surely you will receive your reward. Faith should increase even when you think I am late. My kingdom needs hard working people. If I qualify you; I walk with you. Tell my children, I need workers. Tell them to labor for my kingdom, by reading my word. When my sheep come. train them and put duration so that they can go out and serve me. When you look back to Egypt; I will pick another worker, give him both your anointing and his. 

This is a prophetic ministry. Pride should never be found in you. Tell my children my grace ends. Teach them how to fast so that they do not fast in vain. Do not touch my anointed one. I want strict workers only because I am a strict God. Many people leave my work because I am strict. But the ones I choose, must work for me. Desire to see things as I see them. If you do not give me praise, how will I be praised. I do not dwell in hearts that have no joy because I am joy.  Do not see what the enemy sees. Ask me, what I see. What I see is my testimonies, wonders and might. I am not limited by circumstances. Give thanks all the time. Teach yourselves to praise me, to read my word. Do my word, accomplish my word. Focus on things above. Do not look down because when you look at your level, you will be discouraged. Let it be your habit, to give thanks to me. What do I want from you except your praises and give me glory, do not follow me because of bread. You are my children and my servants, focus on me. Walk with by faith; when doubts come, I take a back sit. Faith is a heavenly currency. The same way I am strict; the same way I am kind, loving and faithful.

LETTER 24: I desire an intimate relationship with you.

JESUS SAYS: 15/5/2015. 

I am bold in all I do. Fast, because in heaven you will not fast. Fight even more on your knees. I fight for you so that you can see my faithfulness. My servants have to stand out. The work of man is to be found on his knees. The power you receive on your knees is so might such that, what the devil sees in you is total light. I desire workers who are persistent in prayers. Praying touching a thing until something happens. Daniel trusted me and he did not fear men, and I gave him favor. I rewarded him by showing him the end time events. Furnaces have to come to qualify my servants. Learn to be positive and know that your words are my weapons.

I am your strength; in this journey where you have reached you will not turn back. Do not believe on the report of men. Do not be afraid. Many Christians who are lukewarm are called to the sea at night by the enemy, and they get initiated into witchcraft, blindly. When a Christian relaxes in prayers it is dangerous. When a Christian does not pray, he becomes an empty vessel and the devil will do all sort of evil things to him, unknowingly. 

All the blessings I have spoken to you, follow them up with prayers and fasting. When I have blessed you, you must stay on your knees. If you will ever think it is your prayers that made you blessed, it is pride. I do not associate myself with pride and the proud. When I have blessed you, I have challenged you to pray more, to read the Bible and to fast even more. 

When you pray until you are blessed, your generation will never lack. I desire an intimate relationship with you. Do not waste your salvation, guide it jealously. Every time you go out, speak my blood to altars that have been speaking against you. Let your thoughts glorify me. Continue to be persistent in prayer. Persistent on a matter in prayers brings great reward. Pray about it until it is in your hands. Love has the greatest sacrifice. Prove your love to me; by how you talk, think and act. Let your love become a mirror in your lives. Know that I am faithful in my word. Do not create obstacles. Seek my kingdom first and all other things shall be added unto you. Seek for knowledge and understanding. When you are weak, you are strong in me. I listen to the petition of the humble. I love you and I will love you even more. You are all equal in my kingdom. Write down all the promises I have given you and bring them to me in prayers. Without holiness; you will never see me. 

Desire to do more; go an extra mile. Any one that will come ground them in my word then send them to serve me, when I direct. I will teach you how to teach them and how to send them out. Have no ties with men, have ties only with me. Every day the grace is new. The grace of yesterday is gone. Today it is new. Desire to grow and focus on me. Put all your trust and hope in me. My martyrs focused on me, they never looked back because my Holy Spirit was with them. They always saw me; their mind was always full of me. They suffered for me; it brought me so much joy.

 “25’I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand. That I should not be moved; 26Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover; also my flesh shall rest in hope; 27Because you will not leave my soul in hades, neither will you allow your holly one to see corruption 28You have made known to me the ways of life; You shall make me full of joy with your countenance.’ David said.(Acts 2:25-28) Do not turn back. Ask me to erase the memory of the past. If you turn back, the reward is great. You must begin in the spirit and finish in the spirit. Begin in faith and finish in faith. Begin with grace and finish with grace. Those who were killed for me; did not see the sword or the fire but they saw me. My teachings will now become harder; you asked me to teach you and I am doing it. When a man defiles himself a little, other voices begin to speak in him. Be watchful, do not defile yourselves. The greatest worship that touches the heart of my father, is when you worship in the midst of your trouble.

LETTER 25: Call no one spiritual dad or mom.

JESUS SAYS: 16/5/2015. 

Words are powerful. When a curse is spoken unto you, it comes direct to me, it will speak until to the fourth generation, if not nullified. Anyone can curse you, even a stranger. A curse from a spiritual parent is worse because it touches the entire congregation. I said in my word do not call anyone father or mum for your father is one who is in heaven.

 “8But you be not called Rabbi; for one is your teacher, even CHRIST and all you are brothers. 9And call no man father upon the earth, for one is your father who is in heaven. 10Neither be you called masters; for one is your teacher, even CHRIST.” (Mathew 23:8-10)

I look for reasons to sweep away an evil person. I allow my servants to be insulted then I sweep away. When the curtain was torn into two; I wanted everyone to reach me with their burdens. But many believe they must be prayed for. Have no attachment with any evil church or minister, seek me for guidance. Do not call anyone Spiritual dad or mum, my authority is enough for you. Submitting to wrong authority opens door for demons into your lives. I said in my word, call no body Dad or Mum.

Ignorance is not an excuse before me. No one can plead ignorant before me because I gave you my word to read it so that you can know the truth. My word is clear the way it is; you must read it for your advantage, do not interpret it. Every person you have slept with, is marriage before me. Those covenants bind. Pray against such covenants. Eating together with men, is a covenant. Greetings are covenants. Have discernment and you will be careful not to share food with wrong people with wrong motives. Many have been initiated into witchcraft through eating. 

There are people who are made to be used by the enemy and some by me. Every vow you have made, keep it. When a man and a woman share blood covenant in marriage; then one of them fails to keep it, they both die. Warn my children from these habits. Tell my children to stop sex covenants. Sitting in the council of the wicked is a covenant.                                                                                                                          

 “Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in seat of scornful.” (Psalms 1:1)

Every word you speak is a covenant with me and you. I command you to speak positive only. Ask me to remind you the churches you went to, for you were in wrong places. When you separate from wrong altars, you must break the covenants of those altars, then speak my blood. Avoid calling people Dads or Mums to avoid giving them authority over your life. I am your authority. If the mantle bearer is filthy; the whole congregation becomes filthy because the anointing flows from the head to the whole body. But I separate my own, cleanse them and use them.

 “7Therefore, you shepherd, hear the word of the lord. 8As I live, says the Lord, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became food to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock. 9Therefore. O you shepherd, hear the word of the Lord 10Thus says the Lord God. Behold am against shepherds I require my flock from your hand, and I cause you to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall you feed yourselves anymore., for I will deliver my flock from your mouths and they will not be food for you anymore.” (Ezekiel 35:7-10)

One day I will reveal to you what happens to the churches because they are walking to hell. In churches; children and pregnant women have been killed for power. There is a lot of blood in church altar that is speaking. I do not associate myself with sin and sinners. Did I speak of planting seeds in my word? Did anyone ever paid money to see me? They have transformed my word into business, and surely, they have received their reward. Those who change my word I reward them quickly. Why should you call your church a might name and you are walking to hell…? My children do not want to listen; they are spiritual blind. They do not desire to see and to know me. They do not ask to know where they aught fellowship. They do not even ask. You cannot take yourself to wrong altars, then you begin to ask me whether you are in the right places. I will not answer for my hands will be tied. It is in the churches my children labor in vain. 

My children are getting lost in churches. Some go to churches to be seen. Women go to show their dresses. Men go to seek women to sleep with. Surely..! they have received their reward. People who show off have received their reward. Woe unto such people because if my grace is finished, I will close the door of grace over them, and I will not listen to their prayers anymore. 

I train but when men refuse to be trained, I do not bother, I spit them out. My children have gone astray. It is sad to see my children trooping to hell, when there is understanding in my word. They do not read my word. They read and preach single verse. Does that edify them. If a preacher can preach only one verse the whole service. when will they preach about my coming back. To the one that calls me I hear.

Do not get tired of telling my children I am coming back soon. I encourage you to read my word. Encourage them to read my word. Reading my word raises your zeal to seek me and serve me. It draws encouragement, courage, comfort, warning, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. If you do not know my word it will not speak to you. You cannot meditate on what you do not know. You cannot meditate upon one verse the whole week. I knock the doors of my children hearts, knowing they will not open for me. My father says; leave them alone, but when I remember the pain I went through on the cross for them, I knock again and again. When they completely refuse to open, I come down with my wrath. When I close the door of grace over you, not even the blood sacrifice can open it. I know the hearts of men very well. Tell them, when I close the door of grace I will not open it. And no one can save themselves. 

I am very fair. I am God of fairness. I am fair in all I do. When men refuse me. I lock my door of grace over them and when they get in trouble and pray, I will not answer them. Even when people pray for them I will not answer. When they are well I knock at their doors a million times but they do not answer, then when they want me because they see death coming, they call me and they want me to answer them. To such I hide my face from them, and I will not answer them even when men pray for them, I will not.

Teach them to serve in Spirit and in truth. Teach them to fear me, love me and exalt me. Teach them to be ready for my coming. I am coming for a fit bride. Fit in all they do. speak and desire. I do not come for them that think they are righteous. No one comes to the father except by me. Tell them I did not call them for churches but for myself. Value what I value. I do not want people to despise what I do not despise. Do not be in a hurry to pray for people when they come for prayers. Discern fully what they want. Do not talk much, listen to me and I will tell you what their motives are. Whoever is looking for blessings alone, will not receive anything. To know me is favor. No one can die for himself in the cross. 

Train workers so that when they go out they will bear fruits for me. Raise not church goers. Warn them against worshiping men. They should worship me alone. Warn them not to worship you. Idle worshipers are made when you pray and I do. When I do, there are those who will see you, and those who will see me. Train them to come to me and ask for themselves, and all the glory will come back to me.

LETTER 26: The needy.

JESUS SAYS:  17/5/2015. 

Help the needy. This ministry is for helping the needy. The needy are many around you. Your neighbor is one that is close to you. If you love someone, to pray for them is easy. When I bring finances, help the needy. If they go talking ill about you, after you have helped them, do not bother. Do not touch the things of the needy and make them yours. Do not eat things that are brought for the needy. If in your account, you have and 100 dollars in the needs account there is 10,000 dollars do not touch money meant for the needy. If you take food meant for orphans and they cry to me, I will hear their cry and fight for them. If you try, I will not have mercy on you. 

Those who know me I sweep them very fast when they disobey. Warn all ministers not to eat what belongs to the poor. In all countries, you will have ministers warn them. No man can plead ignorance before me. Do not touch my tithe, I will direct you on how to use it. I will be revealing how it will be used, this time tithe will be used for this or that. Tithe has made many people to open churches, it is not so for you. It is better the one that is going to hell by choice than the one going to hell not knowing through following churches and ministers. I want you not to focus on money, bread and tithe but on my work.

Lead people to be workers and I will bless you in the right way. Rose seek to know how you will use the money that comes. I will tell you who to give and how much to give. When you give, I shall bless you in the right way. Train workers, avoid ties so that it won’t be hard for you to release them when I send them out. Even if I use them more do not desire to keep them, allow them to go and serve me. Encourage them to read my word and finish the whole Bible in two months. Your work is to ask and mine is to answer. If you want to provoke me give out things and I will bless you. I bless and help the pagans because they help the needy and the orphans. I do not honor tithe that is not given to the needy. Many ask themselves why they give tithe and they are not blessed. If you don’t know how your tithe is used by ministers, I will not bless you if they don’t help the needy with it. My word is truth and it changes not.

 “… 29And the Levite (because he has no part nor inheritance with you) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, who are within your gates, shall come and eat and be satisfied, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.” (Deuteronomy 14:22-29)

 “12When you have finished tithing all the tithes of your increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and have given it to the Levites, to the strangers, to the fatherless and to the widows, that they may eat within your gates and be satisfied. 13Then you shall say before the LORD your God, I have removed the sacred potion out of the house, and all I have given unto the Levites, unto the strangers, unto the fatherless, and unto the widows. According to the commandment which you have commanded me. 14I have not transgressed your commandment, neither have I forgotten them. I have not eaten of it in the morning. Neither have I taken any of it for the dead. But I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my GOD, and I have done according to all that you have commanded me. 15Look down from your holy habitation, from heaven, and bless your people Israel. And the Land which you have given us. As you swore unto our fathers, a land that flows with milk and honey.” (Deuteronomy 26:12-15)

The true religion is to look after the needy. Indians do not tithe but they pay hospital bills, school fees, and more. They help the poor in secret and I bless them with big companies. When Christians do things, they do them to be seen. And surely, they have received their reward. When you help, seek not to be known, if possible say not your name and where you come from. Do things in secret. Learn this and I will bless you. When you meet the needy, bless them and then go. Those people who give when they are dying and they repent they come direct to me. Bless and never speak about it. I see in secret. I will bless you.

LETTER 27: Judge not.

JESUS SAYS: 18/5/2015.

Tremble before me. Avoid judging because the same judgment you use on others, will be used unto you. Those who judge will not receive my kingdom. Do not point fingers, I am the one who anoints. When you judge someone, you cannot see me and you cannot give me praise. Do not judge; even if you meet a woman with five kids without a husband. Those who judge such women. I will not give them kids. I have to be serious with you so that you can impart the same seriousness unto others. Watch out, keep me first in all you do. I answered Hanna’s prayers because when she came to me she did not come with complains about her barrenness, shame and insults, but she gave me praises for her barrenness, shame and insults. 

Many things people are passing through is as a result of judging others. You may be born again; but when you judge someone, I will judge you and I will not answer you when you call me. Do not point fingers; I am the one who anoints. I impart diligence because if I impart laziness or sluggishness on you, you will impart the same unto others. When you have self-righteousness in you, you will judge others. 

 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment, you judge shall be judged. And with what measure you measure, it shall be measured the same unto you.” (Mathew 7:1)

LETTER 28: Laying of hands.

JESUS SAYS; 19/5/2015

You have to get yourself out of altars that blood was shed. Because the voices of covenants of those altars, follow you wherever you go. You must have discernment lest you are condemned by my word. If the minister was searching me in truth, when he departs I will not remember any of his good works. All the prayers he prayed become curses. Those who were prayed for by him while he was righteous all the blessings he spoke to them will automatically become curses. The blessings that my fallen servant spoke to my children become a curse.                                                                           

 “Again when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits sin and I put a stumbling block before him, he shall surely die, because you have not given him warning he shall die but all his righteous deeds shall not be remembered.” (Ezekiel 3:20)

Many children are dedicated to the devil himself directly through churches. Some parents ask for my directions, but many only follow the multitude. Do not raise your hands anywhere because they are holy. Do not lay hands on people. Do not touch people, because they are demons that come unto you by contact. I give directions in my ministries. Fasting draws me to you and I reveal even more. It is not a must you lay hands on people. 

Do not make people kneel down before you. Do not breath on any one, this is a way of releasing demons. I just want people to see my sign and wonders, so that they can come to me then I work on them. Do not dedicate them it is a way of binding them. Just speak blessing to them. And I will bless them according to your words. Dedication has been done the wrong way. Just speak my word to them. 

Walk diligently with me so that whatever you speak over my children may have power. When you turn away from me, it is hard for you to know when I depart from you. I will send three prophets and if you do not obey and change, I lock the door of grace over you, even if you live for 150yrs I will not bother about you. Please do not lay your hands, on men. The devil has given his servants to lay hands on men so that demons are transferred. Keep a distance from people unless I command. 

Any prophecy a prophet speaks to you when he turns back from me, it becomes a curse. Just pray that I may turn it into a blessing and favor, and I will do. Cancel all the hands you have been laid on. Then allow no man to lay his hands on you again. Write down all the hands you have been laid on and cancel them one by one. Even the ones you were laid on when you were not saved and when you were young. Words remain alive until when nullified. Tell my children to prepare for eternity. I will reveal even more battles. 

 “Lay hands hastily on no man, neither be a partaker of another man’s sin. Keep yourself pure.” (1 Timothy 5:22)

LETTER 29: Fulfill your vows.

JESUS SAYS: 20/5/2015.

The moment the chosen one bows down to the enemy, I close the door of grace upon him. You cannot serve two masters. Do not be cheated, I am telling you the secrets. Any Christ that appears to you, ask him to show you the marks in his hands and whether he is the son of God. I will smite him if he lies. Ask it boldly. My children do not believe in my prophets. 

 “And the Lord has sent unto you all his servants the prophets, rising early and sending them; but you have not hearkened or inclined your ears to hear.” (Jeremiah 25:4)

I give different messages, depending on the level of maturity of a person. Ask for new hope and strength that my death may not be in vain for you. My children despise me. Remember not to be lifted up by men. They should not say you did the miracles, but me. Let no one lift you up. The moment you take my glory; I will depart from you and you will not know it. I will send three prophets to warn you, if you hearken not, I will depart with my grace from you, then you will go to hell. If you make a vow; remember to keep it. Continue fasting, if men accept me, I fight their battles but when they reject me, I fight them. I do not force men to serve me because I have given them free will. Iniquities are sins of fore fathers and they affect up to the fourth generation. Everything begins with salvation. Accept me and fear me. If you, open doors for the enemy; how can I fight for you. I only need one person to stand in the gap and bring my word to me and I will save the whole world. 

There is a blessing when you fulfill your vows. If you honor the first vow you made, the rest will be easy to honor.

 “2Be not rash with your mouth, and let not your heart be hasty to utter anything before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth: Therefore let your words be few. 3For a dream comes through much business and a fool’s voice is known by a multitude of words. 4When you vow a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he has no pleasure with fools. 5Better it is that you should not vow, than you should vow and not pay. 6Permit not your mouth to cause your flesh to sin, neither say before the angels, it was an error. Why should God be angry at your voice, and destroy the works of your hands? 7For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also many vanities: but fear thou God.” (Ecclesiastes 5:2-7)

Here we learn that God is serious not only with the vows we speak with our mouths but also what we utter with our hearts,