LETTER 30: Anything that exalts itself above me I kill.

JESUS SAYS: 27/5/2015.

Churches have bound my children. They are laid hands on and they do not hear my voice. When I want to use them, and send them to serve me, I cannot because they do not hear my voice, they do not know it. The voices of the altars, where they worship block my voice towards them. You have to inquire about where you ought to worship and serve me before you commit your life in any church altar. When you are already in a church, I will not speak to you, when you ask me whether it is the right church or not. Because you will have been laid hands on. Laying hands binds you to those altars and unless you separate I will not speak to you. Those altars will speak so loud to you and you will think it is me who is speaking but it won’t be me.

I warn against attachment and whatever hinders my hand I sweep away. 99% of churches are full of blood. Many people get saved and the next day they have found a church without even praying. I am not in churches because they have become dirty. They will continue getting even more dirty. I am concentrating on ministry and individuals. Many people come to me because they want husbands, wife’s or jobs; because they lack patience, the devil answers them quickly then what follows is lack of peace. Then they go to the witch doctors. Many marriages are ordained in churches but they last not. You cannot reap where you did not plant. 

Without labor I do not answer, but the devil does. It brings tears to my eyes; when many people want blessings, but do not want to labor. Pray for my children that their salvation may be anchored on me. The time you separate yourself from the altars; I begin to answer you because your hands are not tied. Pray even more that my children may not be lost. Many are lost because they seek me only for bread. Teach my children to read my word and to listen to prophecies. Ask me for discernment I give freely. Teach them my word the way it is. Teach them not to depend on servants but me. I have departed from many of my servants because they serve me asking for money from people. I am telling you boldly ask not for money from people. Refuse to accept their money. Let me be the reward of your work. Those who will insist to give, leave it on the table, pray first I will tell you what to do with it. Sometimes that money is a trap to kill your spiritual gifts. When you are paid by men, why should I pay you. Do not use my tithe use it to help the needy. Ministers use it for their own lives instead of looking after the needy. They buy big cars and houses; they lead luxurious lives while my children go hungry. 

I want a bride that knows my word and desires to know me even more. I will be with you so do not fear. I fight for you many battles because of the anointing in your lives.  I do not just answer prayers; I answer prayers that benefit me too. I want a bride who hears my voice and walks in my ways. It is your work to prepare my bride. I will give you might blessings but never think it is your strength that gave you blessings. Tell them not to judge my servant. Pray that I may reveal more to you. Pray and fast that you may please me. I do not understand the language of ignorance. Because I gave you my word to read it. Learn to thank me in small things. Anything that exalts itself above me, I kill.

LETTER 31: Do not be led by blind leaders.

JESUS SAYS: 6/6/2015. 

People focus on tithes and they do not serve me. I tell them wait for me to bless them but they do not obey. I send my servants to warn them not to eat my tithe, but they do not listen. If they do not obey what can I do. My hands are tied.

I respect those who respect me. Some servants receive evil gifts like watches which opens doors for the enemy into their lives. They refuse my warnings. People run to churches and covers but they do not ask for my will. If you do not involve me, how can I fight for you. I am not found in foolish gathering. People do not want to labor for their blessings, so the enemy directs them and blesses them. His blessings are not for forever but mine are. Warn my people not to be led by blind leaders. Spiritual gifts must be desired. There are many levels of servanthood. You may begin with one gift and end up with all. Gifts are a privilege. It is hard to serve me without gifts.

LETTER 32: Pay your tithes fully.

JESUS SAYS: 7/6/2015.

When you spend money first then you tithe the remaining, you labor in vain. It is better you eat it all. When you give and others see you give in vain. For this is my word, do not give me little if you have much. I am a just and a fair God. Mend your ways. Pay your debts for debts speaks before me and they hinder your blessings. First fruit is a commitment for your plans and your work to be established. Any amount you decide is ok so long as it is from your first income or salary. Pay your tithes fully. Thanks-giving is for thanking me for what I have done. The reason why you should pay your debts is because I am a just God. When your debtors cry to me, I will listen to him, even if he is not saved because I am a just God.

LETTER 33: Praise me until your last breath.

JESUS SAYS: 8/6/2015.

I am worthy of all your praises; look around you and see me. I want praises from you. Praise me until your last breath. Praises opens doors that no one can close. I need praises from you all the time. Many have been healed, transformed and called to my presence because of praises. Praise is a prayer before me. Praise is the key to my kingdom. Try me in praises and you will see me. I defeat armies because of praises. I know you are weak vessels but praise is not hard. If you have faith and praise, mountains must go away. If you praise me, you will fear me and all my virtue will follow you. Your altars of praise should always be full of praises. Should never run dry.

Afflictions have to come for I was afflicted too, but you get your strength from me. I bore pain courageously so that you may know I am there for you. If I call you and make you accept my call, then I will sustain you. 

Do not ever think I am late; I am never late. I created time. Do not ever think I do not care about you. Many can change, but I do not, I remain the same. You should not dwell in sorrow, pain and trouble but dwell in me. Arise and focus on me. Those I choose, I fight for them. All my promises have to come to pass. Take my way and never turn back to Egypt. I want to reveal myself to you, prepare through prayers.

I know you will serve me even more when you see my face. Prepare in prayers, I will give you directions. The holes in my hands remain to prove to men that I died for them because of love. When I reveal myself to you, all your afflictions will go. How you will pray will determine. Your faith will grow. This is a great sacrifice. When I reveal my crucifixion to men; they feel sick for they feel the same pain I felt. But I am your strength. Grace is for those who do not know me. But you know me, your grace is little. When you think, you know everything, you lose it all. When you think you are righteous you lose eternal life.

LETTER 34: You are altars when you accept me.

JESUS SAYS: 9/6/2015. 

Speak positive, I do not dwell in proud hearts, that is how my children lose my kingdom. I require obedience, If, pride enters your heart; it becomes hard for you to even accept corrections. If you speak my blood on evil altars no sacrifice will be offered on them. You are altars when you accept me. When altars are not taken care of, they bring problems. Make sure you know the level of sacrifice before raising up altars. When you raise an altar for me and you leave it the devil begins to speak in it and it brings death. Let your desire reach me. Let it be your prayer that I may teach you how to build altars. How to guide them and how to make them speak.

My love is proved by dying on the cross for you. You can prove your love by doing what I have commanded you. Desire to continue to be still. I have decided to amaze you. If I desire to bless can any man curse. If I decide to close a door can any man open. Do not be afraid. The battle is mine I have begun my work and I will finish it boldly. 

I am the great I am. Call me by my great name, until you see me. Speak my blood courageously. I fight for the righteous. I am the one who sustains you. Give thanks for I will continue to lead you. Faith without love is dead. I give you everything free so that you can inherit my kingdom. Deceit is not found in me, I desire growth, do not be in one stage for long. People are searching for blood and they get, because my church is sleeping.

Do not give up when you decide to stand in the gap for the nations. I do not associate with sluggards. I come to prove that I can work. When I came to the world; I walked, I did not have horses because I am humble. Pray that you get other people to stand in the gap. I have given you work to pray for your nations, fervently. When you have peace, it is time to seek me. When you pray for others your prayers are answered. Fast and cry, stand in the gap because of your nations. Words of a parent speak much in a child because of authority. You can stand in the gap for the children of this nation and of the world.

Do as I have commanded you. Evil altars make the sky dirty. It becomes like a blanket. Altars speak; it is by grace that prayers reach me. I give grace to workers. You need to pray more, you need to seek me even more. Pray and fast that I may hear people prayers and turn my face to them. I need workers who will bring prayers and words to me. I do not walk in sin that is why I am not found in churches. 

My kingdom is strong, that is why I need warriors to bring words so that I may fight. I reward courageous people who stand in the gap for others. Standing in the gap for others is a great sacrifice. Those that seek me should do it in the spirit and the truth. When the foundation of your salvation is shaken; you know whom to turn to. I have decided to walk with you and to be light upon your feet’s, to be an encouragement to you, to know your hearts, to trust you with my ministry and to show you my ways. To bless you and to reveal my face to you is favor. When I decide I never turn back, a person that turns back is not fit to serve in my

kingdom. I do not want tourists in my kingdom, but laborers. Desire to grow every day. I want you to transform the nations because you are my vessels of gold. I have decided to reward you with my eternal life. 

Desire to know when I will show you my face. Pray and fast, continue to be still and know that I am God. Continue praying for others. Persistently; stand in the gap until something happens. Do not pretend to stand in the gap, I know the hearts of men. Fast because of my children who are lost in churches. Fast to give thanks do not give your bodies a lot of rest. Train your bodies to respect you. Fast for the gifts you have. Ask for strength, I give free. I forgive you because of love.

I do not like the way you love sleep. I can lift up other people for my work who will not love sleep. I do not associate myself with shame and the lazy. I shame those who shame me. I refuse those who refuse me. I am warning you I will not warn you again and I will not repent. Watch your steps, I am watching you. If you continue to sleep I will spit you out of my mouth. I can do anything I want, I am a king. I can lift up another person and give him double anointing, yours and his, so that he can finish your work and also do his. No man can hinder my work. Let me not wash my hands on you because of sleep. Sacrifice for this kingdom for the reward is great. It will pain my heart to lose you. I am the one who sustains you.

I do not use force. Look at the repercussion of your actions. When I spit you out of my mouth, I will still give you all the blessings I promised you because I repent not. But at the end I will require my full record of my work. If you bring little and I gave you much. I will say unto you. Depart!! I do not know you. Your actions will determine. Do not bring games in my work. I turn my face from so many people. Everything has a reward. I want seriousness. Do not fight things you can command; like sleep. Let your altars ever be burning with love, kindness, obedience and all of my characters. Warn yourselves and others. When you sacrifice, I bless. Grace for my servants is less.

LETTER 35: Little obedience breads curses.

JESUS SAYS: 12/6/2015.

I require obedience; I just need obedience. I have made many vows with you. Remind me the vows I have made to you. You cannot remind me, if you cannot remember. Write all the promises that are in the Bible and bring them to me. My word has to be alive and it must come to pass. Every word my word says; remind me. Desire to know my name for every situation and season. I have many names, names for every situation and season. Do not give the enemy the chance to come before me with accusation against you. I have given you a lot of teachings. Teach others too. Obey, if you ask for obedience; I give freely. 

My word speaks courageously. There are blessings and curses. I require blind obedience. little obedience breads curses. I have so much love, obey in small things and your obedience will grow. I will teach you for when you think you know me. you do not even know me. My ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts.

What religions say versus the Bible


Religion says: 

You can divorce and remarry again for the sake of peace.

Bible says:

 “31It has been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give him a writing of divorcement; 32But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except for the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever shall marry her that is divorced commits adultery.” (Mathew5:31-32

 “2For the woman who has a husband is bound to the law of her husband so long as he lives; but if the husband dies, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3so then, while if her husband lives, she is married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress, but if her husband dies, she is free from that law; so, that she is not adulteress though she is married to another man.” (Romans 7:2-3)

 “And unto the married I command, yet not I but the Lord, let not the wife depart from his husband: But if she departs, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: And let not the husband put away his wife.” (1Corinthians7:10)

 “4And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he who made them at the beginning made them male and female. 5And said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they two shall become one flesh. 6Therefore they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder. 7They said unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? 8He said unto them, Moses because of their hardness of your hearts allowed you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9And I say unto you, whoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery, and whoever marries her who is put away does commit adultery” (Mathew 19:4-9)

 “And he said unto them, whoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, commits adultery. And if a wife shall put away her husband, and be married to another she commits adultery.” (Mark 10:11)

Casting out demons

Religions says:

Send them back to sender.

Bible says:

 “18And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as a lightening fall from heaven. 19Behold, I give unto you power to tread down on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing by no means shall hurt you, 20Nevertheless in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject to you; But rather rejoice, because your names are written in the heave.” (Luke 10:18-20) 

 “Submit yourself in God, Resist the devil and he shall flee away from you.” (James 4:7)

Remember; Submitting yourself to God means obeying God without which, resisting the enemy will not be easy. Remember also we are Gods army we should put on the full armor of God which includes the sword of the spirit. The sword of the Spirit is the word of God. The size of the word of God in you is the size of the sword you carry, for our sword to be complete we need to know the entire Bible, the enemy knows the whole Bible you cannot defeat him if you know only part of it. The work of the sword is to fight and destroy the enemy. If God wanted us to send back spirits of the enemy to the senders. God would not have given us his full armor, the sword  

 “Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesins6:10)

Cursing your enemies

Religion says;

Curse your enemies. Kill your enemies.

Bible says;

Love your enemies

43You have had that it has been said you shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy. 44But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you. 45That you may be the children of your Father in heaven…”   (Mathew 5:43-45)

Note…! In this scripture, we are being told what we should do, for us to become the children of the Father in heaven. Four things we should do to our enemies;

  1. love them.
  2. Pray for them.
  3. bless them.
  4. Help them when they are in need. 

That is when we shall be called the children of the most high GOD.

 “Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing, but on the contrary blessings, Knowing, that you are unto this called, that you should inherit a blessing.” (1 Pete r3:9)

Note this…! you cannot give what you do not have. When you curse that means you inherited a curse. But those in Christ cannot Curse for in them there is no curse but only blessings. What dwells in us is Christ and Christ is a blessing. Christ could not curse his enemies simple because he is called a blessing. What are you called; a blessing? Or a curse? A vine tree cannot bear figs. 


Religions says;

Any way you want to be baptized is ok, so long as you are baptized in the name of the father, son and the holy Spirit.

Bible says;

 “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be condemned.” (Mark 16:16)

 “Therefore; we are buried with him by baptism into death; that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)

 “5Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan. 6And they were baptized by him confessing their sins.” (Mathew3:5-6)

 “13The came Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized by him. 14But John forbad him saying, I have need to be baptized by you, and come you to me. 15And Jesus answering him said unto him, permit it to be so now: For us it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he permitted him. 16And Jesus when he was baptized, went up immediately out of the water; and lo, the heaven were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. 17And lo a voice from heaven, saying, this my beloved son, in him am well pleased.” (Mathew 3:13-17)

 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

 “36And as they went their way, they came into a certain water: And the Eunuch said, see, here is water, what does hinder me to be baptized. 37And Philip said, If you believe with all your heart you may, And he said I believe that Jesus is the son of God. 38And he commanded that the chariot may stand still. And they went down both to the water, and he baptized them.” (Acts 8:36)

Note; When we are baptized with the baptism of John the baptism.

  1. Our sins are remitted. 
  2. We fulfill all righteousness. 
  3. We die with Christ and so we shall be raised like him.
  4. By doing what Christ did without trying to change anything in his word shows we are actual of Christ. Jesus said learn from me. When we learn from other sources deception comes in. 
  5. Allow no one to hinder you from being baptized the right way. John almost hindered Jesus. And the Ethiopian Eunuch seeing water he said, what hinders me to be baptized.

 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls.” (Mathew 11:29)

Anointing oil

In the old testament;

In the old testament anointing oil was used to anoint the Priests, Prophets and specific Kings. Moses in Exodus 30:22, was given the composition of it and was warned; No one was to make any like it and upon man’s flesh should never be poured. 

Note…!  no one in the old testament anointed himself with it, Neither, did anyone anointed his house with it or drank it. Today people do so many things without scriptural reference and understanding which is fatal. Do what the scripture says only and you will be at peace with God. The evidence that we love God is when we keep his commandments. 

 “And the Lord said unto Elijah, go return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus; and when you came, Anoint Hazael to be king over Syria, and Jehu the son of Nimshi shall you anoint to be king over Israel, and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah shall you anoint to be prophet in your place.” ( 1King19:15)

Anointing oil in the new testament before the day of Pentecost

12And they went out t, and preached that men should repent.13And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them.” (Mark 6:12-13)

Here we see the disciples of Jesus using anointing oil to heal the sick. Jesus himself could not use it because he himself, was already anointed while the disciples were not yet anointed. 

Anointing oil after the day of Pentecost;

After the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came and filled the vessels that were waiting for him in Jerusalem, as Christ had ordered. From that time, there is no account in the new testament of any Apostle using the symbolic anointing oil. The Spirit of God is present in the world today, therefore it is ironic to choose a symbol of the Spirit, when the Spirit is present. If Jesus did want us to use the symbol of the Holy Spirit he could not have promised to send him to us, and he could not have sent him to us. The church today has become so physical, they want to see and do things physical and that is why there has been so much deception. Our battle of our warfare is not carnal but spiritual. We fight not physically but Spiritual. The armor of flesh will fail us. Moses was warned not to make any anointing after the composition God gave him. Today no one want to know where this anointing is made from and what is the composition thereof.

I always ask if one has the faith to pray for oil until it can heal the sick, why should he go that long way I think it is easy to go direct and pray for the sick without using that long way. We are the vessels and the oil is the Holy Spirit. I don’t need bottles made by men and oil I do not know about.

Fruits of the Holy Spirt

 “22But the fruits of the Spirit, is love, joy peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness. faith, 23meekness, self-control, against such there is no law. 24And they that are of Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.25If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:22-25)

Without fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives, no heaven for us. When we attain all the fruits in their fullness in us, we will have attained righteousness and holiness then we qualify for heaven, without all nine fruits in their fullness in us we cannot qualify to enter the kingdom of God.

Nine Fruits in us in fullness is called righteousness and holiness which is the key to the Kingdom of God.

  1. Love, God wants it in us 100% not 99%.
  2. Joy, God wants us to have 100% joy not 99%.
  3. peace, wanted for heaven 100% not less.
  4. Longsuffering, Required 100% not less. 
  5. Gentleness Wanted in full for heaven admission 100% not less.
  6. Goodness 100% 0f it should be found in us
  7. Faith, all of it 100% is what God requires for us.
  8. Meekness, not to be less than 100%.
  9. Self-control, should not be found less in us 100%.

The easiest way to achieve a 100% of all the fruits is through love. Because when you love you will be meek, gentle, good, you will suffer long, you will have faith, you will have joy. For the Bible says love one another that your joy may be full, when you have love you shall keep Gods commandments. Those who keep Gods commandments are blessed of God and the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding is upon them.

Through love we sin not, because when we love we cannot hate each other, we cannot steal from each other, We cannot murder, fight, gossip, envy, harm each other. Works of flesh cannot be allowed in heaven because heaven is Holy. Sin is so filthy before God that is why whoever sin shall be found in him shall become filthy. If you happen to find human waste on your cloth or your utensils you will probably through that stuff away. Sin is worse before God, when found in us. That is why we need to repent and live Holy so that we are found Holy by Christ all the time for his use and for rapture.

8Owe no man anything but love one another, For he that loves has fulfilled the whole law. 9For this, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not covet; and if it be any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, namely, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Romans13:8-9)

Three types of churches in the world

  1. The true Church.
  2. Cult.
  3. Occult.

The true Church.

This is a church that Jesus Christ is coming for. It is not visible because they are individual scattered all over the world who are daily washing their garments with the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus has never lost its power and its freshness. Anyone willing can join this church. The big congregating Christian churches in the world can be deceiving. Very few children of God are walking the narrow way, are filled with the Spirit of God, who is the Spirit of power and mighty, Spirit of wisdom and understanding, Spirit of council and knowledge, Spirit of love and joy, Spirit of meekness, faith, joy, peace, goodness, gentleness, healing, discernment, obedience, compassion and more of godly character. Those who have grown in the character of God until they look like Christ, this is what they say it is no longer I, that lives but Christ, for they have crucified their flesh with its affections and lust. Those who love and long for the coming of their Lord. Those who know the voice of their Lord, to them he shall not come as a thief at night.

 “4But you brethren are not in darkness, that day should overtake you as a thief. 5You are the children of the light, and the children of the day. We are not of the night or darkness.” (1 Thesalonians5:4-5)

Many preachers and congregations may be overtaken by this day if they walk not in the light of the word, which is alive and true.


Cult is a church that Christ will not rapture, they are religions that put on sheep skin but inside they are wolves, these are churches which have rejected the power of God and they have taken a form of religion, they use the Bible but preach half-truth. They pick biblical ideas but change the biblical applications, Baptism is a biblical idea but how they will do it, will not be biblical. Praying is biblical but how they will pray is different from how our Lord taught us, some use beads to pray some will read prayers, some handkerchiefs, anointing oil, soil, images, and many fun ways. Preaching money seeds when they need money. They will preach why you should tithe Malachi 3:10 but they will not teach you how tithe is supposed to be used. Deut. 14:29 & Deut. 26:12-15. Many churches fall under this category. Do not be a sheep that has eyes and cannot see, has ears but cannot hear. Sheep that have closed their eyes and ears will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do not follow the multitude could be in the whole country, God is looking for you and you are busy with the multitude. This church has over the years learned to interpret the word of God so that it can suite its itching desires for money and fame from men. It is preserved for destruction plus all who follow its doctrine. This the most deceiving church aimed at deceiving the most elect of God. Christ did not spare the Pharisees he called them hypocrites. I argue you to read the whole chapter of Mathew 23. Many followers in this category of church have the zeal for God but not to knowledge because they are deceived. They rely on their shepherds to seek Gods answer for them, Lazy Christians, their reward is hell fire.

 “For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God but not according to knowledge” (Romans10:2)

 “Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; for you shut the door of the kingdom of heaven against men, for you neither go in yourselves or allow them that are entering to enter.” (Mathew23:13)


This kind of a church, those who follow after its doctrine know very well what they are doing unlike in a cult. Here they don’t use the bible, they have their own Bible, they worship the enemy with knowledge. They do all things against Gods word. They kill for money, they drink human blood and eat human flesh. They cause only trouble. God gave men clothes but they can worship naked. Open your eyes I normally say the other name for the world is deception. Most African traditions fall under this category.

I humbly recommend that you watch several videos from the internet. You can call our office for free copies of this book and videos. This book is not for sell, you are encouraged to photocopy and share it out. 

Videos you should watch:

  1. Pictures of hell by a Korean girl. 
  2. Pictures of heaven by a Korean girl. 
  3. Delivered from the power of darkness by Moses.
  4. Delivered from the power of darkness by Isaac.
  5. Worship that moves God, Visions of Heaven, humility, Praise, Grace.
  6. Advanced tactics of the enemy.
  7. How Satan stops our prayers,
  8. Fallen Angel testifying of hell torment.

My humble prayer for the elect of God is that they may be saved from the hour of tribulation that will come upon the whole earth. May Gods fear feel your hearts, the fear of God helps us to obey him, to pray, to read his word, to love others, and to be holy and ready for him at all times.