LETTER 13: A leader must have love.

JESUS SAYS:  30/4/2015.

If you want your child to be a pilot; speak it to him every morning. Their brains are like sponge. Tell them so that when they grow up, they would know whom they would be. Plant that in them, it will bear fruits because you have authority over them. When you start when they are young; By the time they grow they shall believe in themselves. Do this in love. 

At the cross I became medicine for the sick. Pray for workers, I need workers who will respect and obey me. Leadership is service unto others. Putting others before yourself. It begins with fear of me. A leader must have patience, love and wisdom. When you fear me you will have faith. Bring my word to me so that I may perform it. Read my word and grow in it. My word grows and matures like a child. If you read it more, you grow and mature even more and faster.