LETTER 14: Read my word and bring it to me in prayers.

JESUS SAYS: 30/4/2015. 

All who walked with me; I kept their vows. Bring your vows to me but not foolish ones. Write them down so that you do not forget. If you see like you do not have faith, test me like Gideon. When I make a promise; I keep it. When you make a vow; I come with fire because a vow is a sacrifice. The only way I can fulfill my promise is by you making your vows. Many of my servants die because of not fulfilling their vows. Vows that are not respected open doors for the devil. 

Test me for anything. Do not cry you want food, bring my word. I do and accomplish my word. Read my word and bring it to me, I will accomplish it. Have joy in your hearts. Walk knowing, I have done it and I will do it even more. I speak life, restoration and honor to my children. I love deep relationship with my children. I am a might God. I need you to be joyful. Commit your plans unto me that I may establish them. When men become proud I depart and they fall.    

When fighting Spiritual battles, and you happen to see a snake in a vision; trample over it on the head, burn it by the fire of the holy spirit. Speak the blood so that it is not replaced. A horse and the rider; attack the rider with the sword of the spirit, cut it in pieces, burn it then call on the blood so that it is not replaced. A bottle or a pot break it, burn it, then call on the blood so it will not be replaced. Arrows, you break them, burn them, call on the blood so they will not be replaced. Spirits that have breath cut them burn them call on the blood. I will teach you war. The devil is under your feet’s. Say it with confidence. I have arrows and clubs and all weapons of warfare. I use what you give me. I am a God courageous at war. 

Be courageous too. Continue speaking my blood all the time. Evil altars do not die until I sweep away those who serve them. I remove weeds. Weeds are characters, friends and people that I do not want. A leaf that is healthy is what you are when you are holy. When evil altars in your lives are not broken then anyone you lay your hands on will be destroyed by them. Do not be quick to be laid hands on. Do not lay hands on anyone.

I fight at your pace, because human beings are weak. I pick the best to serve me. Tears speak much. I understand the language of tears, when your words cannot express your feelings. I understand tears. Find an intimate name that you can call me. I am a faithful God. If you are humble I humble too. If you are proud, I become proud too. If you put me last, I will put you last. If you put me first, I put you first. When you honor my voice, you honor me. I protect you in my wings. Do not ever see like I am late. I come at the right time. Always remain on your knees. I am teaching you things that generation will learn. I love you so much. That is why I rebuke you. Sleep at the wrong time is sin.  

Bring your words so that I can fight for you. The battle is great and sleep is the weapon the enemy is using. Any time you come to pray, sleep should not be found in you. I deserve praise for I am the beginning and the end. If you love me, you cannot come to me with 

sleep. Increase in all my characters. Love makes us happy. Take out sleep from you and you shall see the great things I want to do for you. Continue to serve others, and I will serve you. Continue loving others and I will receive praise. Walk like you know who I am. Like you know I have chosen you. Everyday increase and pray for others as I have taught you. Sleep is the door the enemy uses. Focus not on the mountains but to the one who created the mountains. Command the mountains of hopelessness and doubts to move. Command the boat to be still.  I am the one who calms the storms.