LETTER 16: Woe unto the one that will look back.

JESUS SAYS: 3/5/2015.

I establish the plans of my children because of my faithfulness. I am faithful, I provide all your needs. Be faithful to me, for I am faithful. When I wake you up to pray, I am faithful. I walk in faithfulness. I walk with all my characters. Let your prayers be fervent and persistent and I will answer them. Continue praying for others. Continue seeking and you shall find. When you go deeper in prayers, I also reveal more. I will reveal more of my plans to you. I will reveal the hearts of men to you. Desire to reach the level of knowing the hearts and thoughts of men. You should know when they think evil and separate yourselves from them. Discernment is there to be given. Seek for it courageously. That is what I desire of you. It reaches a time when you know what a person will say next. If you get this discernment many things will follow. Discernment is truth, if you have truth in you, things that follow truth will follow you.

Obedience comes with great reward. You will know fear, and you will respect me. Everything has its own reward. Eternal life is the greatest reward. There are other rewards on earth. Serving me is a reward. Patience is a reward. When I train my child in my ways, he shall never depart from it. I will fight for you until the end. Those I have chosen, have no choice but to be like me. Just as you desire to pray diligently; do my work with diligence. 

All great men have never slept more than six hours in a day. Those who served me left their sleep. Twelve o’clock in the midnight to three o’clock you must wake up and pray. Out of twenty-four hours daily, I am asking you only for three hours so that I can fight your battles, is that much my children? That is the time we fight your battles. Wake up and command the morning. There are people in the hospital who cannot sleep because of pain. Laziness is sin. Sleep opens the door of laziness. Laziness opens the door of poverty. Desire to serve me. Train your bodies not to love sleep because you are my warriors. Earthly warriors wake up early. If you do not obey I will use the rod of correction. Your grace is limited because you know me. Grace abounds more in sin and not to those who know me.

Present your petition with my words not your words. I never sleep; I never slumber. These should not be found in you. You should reflect my character. You can deny yourselves sleep and do my work. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the reward. Pray for others; do not forget them.

Discernment is found deeper in prayers. You should know the hearts of men, even before they speak. Woe unto the one that will turn back, he will not see my kingdom. And I will lift up another person in his place. I have names of all situation in my word, Read it. People in the Bible called me by my names in their situation and I answered them. If you love sleep, you will lose eternal life. Many are in hell because of both physical and spiritual sleep. I do not want people who play with my word. 

When you vow to serve me; I vow to serve you. You will work for me and I do not repent. On that day, I will ask you to account for the work you did for me on earth. If you bring little and I gave you much, I will not know you. Continue praying and walking with me. Narrow is the gate to me, and it is getting even more narrower every day. 

Continue fighting battles. Bring useful words before me. Words that are worthy of my servants. Read my word and bring it to me. Read so that you may have understanding. Seek for discernment. I love you that is why I come down and fit in your level. I cannot speak to you when you are asleep. I will speak to hearts that are willing, obedient, humble and broken. Pray for the pregnant women, for as in the old days Kings still kill babies. Pray also for the sick. Pray that the sick may have faith in me. I am their healer. When I say, I have done something, pray even more.

Close all doors that the enemy will not come in. Because I am a faithful God; I need faithful servants. Increase the level of serving me, so that I may be glorified. Pray for your children, they are my servants, even to your fourth generation. A servant begets a servant. You are my representatives on earth. 

Carrying your cross, is working out your salvation. You need to learn my characters and my will. If you want to know my will, deny yourselves and carry your cross. Will you be found ever true to me, prove your love by working for me, I will accomplish your desires and your plans. When you receive salvation, you enter my father’s house and you begin to learn my ways. 

Anyone who has a heavy load bring it to me and I will remove it. Walk in my will and you will receive eternal life. Walk in my will and you will deny yourselves. Read my word and pray all the time. Ask for my will and what I want for you. Come asking me what I want for you and I will reveal it to you. It is time for revival. You have heard it, you have seen it. Now I do not focus on churches but individual. I have begun to reveal myself to my children all over the world. I fellowship with them as I do with you. When I begin to reveal myself to you I do not stop. When you receive me the first time I never stop as long as you remain holy. I am not limited; I use anything in the eyes of men. 

When I use people, who have sinned more before I am glorified more. Many people change because of the testimony of the people who sinned more before knowing me. Do not be quick to judge. You may think you are holy but your holiness is a filth rug before me. I use women more because many women are trooping to hell because they have in themselves the properties of the enemy both in the hearts and in their dressing. The women whom I have used before they judge my children so harshly. Many women judge harshly. I do not need ministers; I need workers.

I do not need titles but workers who will bring me joy for the world makes me cry. I want people who will wipe away my tears by working for me. I died for all men, but they still perish. My pain and my death was in vain to all who are going to hell. Tears are the only thing I do when I see them going to hell. It breaks my heart when people die and go to hell. 

It brings me tears when I call for obedience and they do not obey. They want to order me around; I cannot be ordered by men. They do not want to seek me, instead they want others to seek me for them. 

You can never claim to love me when you do not read my word. Going to church only on Sunday and you cannot love others is laboring in vain. I need love my children. I am not a fifty, fifty, God. I spit out those people who make me cry. The time you decide to sin, it may be the time you are dying. Do not labor in vain. I need workers who will wipe away my tears. I am full of love and mercy that is why I cry for you. If you see the multitude in hell and the fresh one’s entering hell; it will break your hearts. But surely, they have received their reward.  When I visit them in hell, they always cry mercy to me, foolishness of men!! my word is open and clear, you need no interpretation, because what it says is what it means, it says immediately after death comes judgement, that is exactly what it means. The problem comes when you begin to interpret it the enemy will bring in his revelation. Mercy is in the world once you die in sin there is no mercy for you. When you go out to preach tell them; I love them and I died for them. I died for their sins before they were born. Tell them I am the way and they should desire to know my will. You cannot please me if you do not know the agenda of my kingdom. 

Read my word and meditate upon it. You cannot meditate upon what you do not know. I love you so much with love you can touch. I died for you, what more do you want me to do for you so that you may come to me. My death was a painful path full of tears and many are departing from it. This path is getting narrower every day, because it is the end time and I am coming now. 

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling by praying, fasting and reading my word. Use this chance, utilize it, time is coming and I will not be found. You need to work for me especial you, who have known my voice and all those who know me. There is nothing much you can do for me except you work for me. Teach those people who will come, they should not point a finger at my servant by word or action. 

Not all my servants are a touch not, I choose few to be touch not, so that through them I may be feared among men. I was not a touch not myself, that is why I was killed by men. Because if I was a touch not, no man would have been able to harm me. If you touch my touch not I will strike you and I will throw you to the fire. Teach them, ground them and send them out when I direct. That way my word will spread

very fast. I am a blessing to those who are a blessing to me. I am a curse to those who are a curse to me.