LETTER 17: I do not respect titles but workers

JESUS SAYS: 5/52015. 

Serve me with diligence; I don’t respect titles but workers. Focus on heaven in all you do. When you pray, fast and read my word focus on heaven. Increase in all good works. Anyone that will not work for me, I will spit him out of my mouth. I am not a respecter of persons. It is time you prove your love to me by working for my kingdom. It is easier to train an individual than the crowd full of titles. When children are born, there are midwifes assigned to kill them. They die because Christians are sleeping. I will teach you how to pray because I give blessings when you ask. The enemy locks your blessings but I will teach you how to unlock them. I will teach you how to meditate upon my word. 

Do not put off your lights, be salt of the world. I am coming for a fit bride. A bride that has faith, love, hope, obedience and full of my word. A bride that is worthy to be called by my name. My bride now is full of filthy, anger and sin. When blessings come; pray, fast and declare them more upon your lives. Desire just what I have promised you. Do not desire much for you may lose focus. A fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 

There are so many spirits that holds your blessings. When you pray and fast those prayers come to me fast. Daniel’s prayers were held by the prince of Persia. Even today prince of Persia holds prayers. When you pray and fast, persist on one item and it will be done. When you live right, pray, fast and read my word, then I send my angles to come and fight the princes. The prince of Persia knows my word. You cannot defeat him without my word. These princes are many they form a web and your blessings that are released cannot pass. Sometime you come doubting because of listening to the voice of the enemy. When you begin to hear the voice of the enemy, fear, doubts, worry and self-pity gets a door into you.  You need to fight these princes, of air, of land and the sea. Another reason why I delay your blessings is that you may seek me even more, because you are my servants. Laboring for trillion souls is not easy. You will say receive to them and they will receive their blessings. That is why you must labor now on your knees for my sheep. My chosen ones must labor for the called. My chosen ones cannot go to hell because my anointing is in them. Only the few I spit them out, if they refuse completely to be serve me. Do not be jealous for those you shall pray for and receive their blessings without their own labor. 

 “I sent you to reap on which you bestowed no labor: other men labored and you are entered into their labor.” (John 4:38)

There is a time I will not speak just to see whether you will still work for me. I need to know whether you are working for me because I am speaking to you or not. You cannot be an encourager if you have not gone through problems. Every situation you are passing through is a juggle for others. I am not coming for churches but individuals. Those I called in churches have become filthy. Church is one body when the legs or hands are dirty then the whole body is considered dirty and no matter how much they call me; I will not come down. I do not associate myself with sin.

Your prayers should grow from “me; me” and begin to ask for my will for every situation. Fast to know my will in every situation. Ask me how I want to be pleased by you my children. Praying for others please me. Ever be ready for me and be a fit bride for me. Increase in me. It is not only the devil who uses people to hurt you. I also use people to hurt you so that I can know whether you will still love them for me, pray for them and forgive them. If you know who I am you will walk with me courageously. Seek to know all my names and call me by my names when you are in trouble.

Do not forget to seek my kingdom and my love. Seek for discernment because people will come with motives that are not mine. When you help evil people with your money; you lock your own money. This is a spiritual Bible school the faster you grow the faster and easier for me to send you, and I will receive praise.  Let your desire glorify me. I bless at different times. 

On earth, I reward according to your labor. Do not give up. Time will come and I will wipe away your tears. Increase your tents in all things. Spiritual battles are fought every day. When you get one blessing the rest will follow you, like rain that is why I said in my word if you seek my kingdom and get it all other blessings will follow you. Crying before me shows great strength, and I wipe your tears courageously. Cry for one thing, when you get one you will get all.