LETTER 19: Read the entire bible once every month.

JESUS SAYS: 8/5/2015.

Continue making vows and I will accomplish mine. When I make a vow. it will come to pass. We vowed we are making a place for you in heaven and that is what we are doing. Write the vows I have given you and you will be ticking them one by one as I fulfill them. I desire you to honor me, please me, work for me, I show you how. My desire is to see everyone come to me. My word is binding and it is a vow and truth. You can read the entire bible even once every month. Every time you read it, it speaks a new and differently. It cannot speak the same if you have the Holy Spirit in you. 

I desire a fit bride. A fit bride not before the eyes of men, but before my eyes. For men know not how to judge right. I am not found in churches but on your knees. I am found by individual who seek and serve me. A fit bride is one that works for me. Worthy for me, full of grace. full of my word, knows my voice and my word, full of my love and full of all my characters. Increase in all good works in kindness and in faith. I want a bride worthy to be called by my name. I have decided to work with those who are ready to work for me and with me.

I have many names. What you are going through I have a name for it. Call me by that name and I will come down. Let your love bear fruits. Let your fruits bear fruits. Let your obedience bear fruits. Wherever you humble yourself on earth, in heaven you appear lying down. Wherever you are praying on earth, in heaven you appear kneeling down. When I am ministering to you, you all appear prostrating before me. When I say, I am might, I am, but your carnal minds cannot understand this. Love one another the way I love you. Do not see others the way they look but the way I see them. The walk of faith is the walk with me. Do my work with all your mind, heart and strength. Do not be lukewarm: 

 “15I know your work that you are neither cold or hot. 16So then because you are lukewarm, and you are neither cold or warm, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16)

I bless without repenting. Prophetic ministry is hard for doubters. Do not have doubts. Where do you get doubts from; Have my characters only, is what I want of you. Worry brings doubts then backsliding, one door opens up many doors. I do not want anything to change our relationship. Worry removes faith, courage, prayers and many things. I must be found by men who seek me because I keep my vows. Why should I lie. I have turned my face from many Christians; I do not see them anymore because of their sins. They do not serve me but the world. 

Those who fear me, obey and serve me. Those who do not serve and obey me, do not fear me. Seeking me begins with obedience, patience and love. My grace is less to those who know me. When grace is over, I lock the door of grace over someone. 

Even if they live over a hundred years, they shall never be saved, instead they will just go to hell. Grace is what makes me save and forgive men. When you know me, and decide to commit sin, grace begins to decrease until it is no more. When you know me, the grace is small, and when it is finished, I sweep you to hell. Serving me comes with warning. If you do not obey me, the door of grace is closed and you are destined to hell. I require great service, obedience, patience and love. Service begins by loving me first, then yourself then others. I am called patience; if you need it ask it from me. To him that much is given much is required. It is better to remain with sins you do not know; than committing sin knowingly. I have wrath to those who knows me because I am a jealous God.

I do not force men to serve me because I am gentle, only the enemy uses force. I do not want to lock the door of grace over my children. To the anointed my grace is small but to others they can sin and get saved. You need to fear me even after you have seen my side of laughter. I walk not with children who disobey me. When I give you instructions or send you I will need obedience. When I say to you go right, and you go left, surely…! I will leave you. The grace of this ministry is great but not to persons. 

The ones called into the leadership of this ministry, their grace is short. Grace becomes even smaller when I reveal my face to you. After seeing my face and you decide to follow the enemy; you will go to hell. The enemy will preach to you, he will tell you, you saw even his face and you still chose to come here, why didn’t you not obey him? Desire to see my face but there is positive and negative repercussion. Desire to see my face, but when you turn away from me I will throw you to the fire. If you do not obey me, after seeing my face, I will cut you off and throw you to the fire of hell. You must see my face because I promised. 

Everyone that will see my face, my grace will be limited to him. When I reveal my face to you, you will not turn back. I will not allow you to serve the enemy, after seeing my face. Fear me. It all begins with fear. Obedience is better. I do not require sacrifice. I require obedience. Fear me and obedience will automatically come. I want you to increase in all good works. All the gifts I have given you, let them bear fruits. I have given you all the gifts. However; whosoever much is given much is required. The gifts of prophecy, discernment, teaching, sign and wonders, healing and more. Surely each gift has a reward. Deny the world and serve me. Let your thoughts reflect me.

Let my characters be in you and I will be exalted in heaven. I am your savior. I am a friend to those who come to me with broken hearts. I am your teacher and your guide. I am a great God, I am full of grace, kindness, mercy and love. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Continue reading my word and you will never be shaken by those who use my word for their own personal gain, and those who change it. You cannot be deceived; for those who are deceived are those who do not read my word, they love shortcuts. 

Those that comes to this ministry, challenge them to read my word. If you know my word, you will serve me with diligence. I have given you the way forward into serving me. I emphasize; that you read my word even more. 

Read it diligently with all your heart. Let your action, thoughts and words reflect me and my word. Those who go to church on Sunday only and are read and explained to only one verse are deceived. I need you to know the whole bible, for what you do not read will condemn you to hell. What you read and fail to 

Practice will also condemn you to hell. You do not need to interpret my word. My word is clear do just what it says.

Those who reject my word; they interpret it because they want to hear from it what their ears are itching to hear. If you cannot interpret a letter from a friend; why do you interpret my word? If a letter says we meet tomorrow and you do not want to meet me, then you will automatically interpret it the way you want. My word is clear and open, do exactly what it says and you will see me. If you read my word you will have discernment. Read it diligently, read it and read it again. Every time you pray using my word; I am exalted. Those who fear me; I will sit with them in heaven. I am a God of free will. I give to men free will so that they can chose their path either good or bad, wrong or right. Free will to choose how they want to live, and where they want to spend their eternity. Choose your eternal home wisely.