LETTER 20: Desire that I may be known as your GOD.

JESUS SAYS: 9/5/2015. 

I’m full of wonders. You; speaking, walking, talking and everything you are able to do, is my wonder. Everywhere you go you see my wonder. Even life is a wonder because your lives are in my hands. If you see me in all things surely you will obey me. How I put children in their mother’s womb and how they grow is a wonder. I am the one who measures growth. 

If you discover who I am you will fear me. I have a name for every situation. When you discover my name for your situation and call me by that name I will come down, To the sick I am a great physician. It is your work to know my name for your situation. Every day I am called by a different name. Tomorrow I will have a different name. When you call me by my name of the day, I will come down. I have done many wonders. I have created bones and flesh; these are my wonders. I know how grass grows which one is withering and which one is budding. 

The number of animals and men I know all. Wonders are things you cannot explain. Moving sun and moon is my wonder. Sing wonders and miracles will follow you because they follow me. When you see wisdom, you see my wonder. How houses and big machines are made is my wonders. I am the one who give men such wisdom. 

Ask me for big houses and cars. I give my children wisdom to make them for you. But; my children do not ask me for these things. See my wisdom in how houses are being build nowadays. How cars, planes, phones and everything. Ask me to bless you for my glory. What holds planes in the air with all the weight it carries, is my wonder. No one knows where I came from, even if you think of where I came from you will never know. 

I am not the God of the dead but of the living. Desire that I may be knows as your God. I was known as a God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because they feared me, had faith in me and walked with me in obedience. How the Bible was written is a wonder because my word is alive. In all languages, I speak the same in my scriptures. I am the great I am. Rejoice in me because I am explaining to you, what a wonder is. I do not reveal these things to many. Many do not want to seek me because they have gone their own way. Those who love me do my work. When I say, I am the great I am, I am because I am. I am who I am because I am. When you are sick call me the great physician and I will become your healer. Call me love, when you need love and I will become love to you.

 If my disciples suffered, you will also suffer, you will be laughed at, mocked and be rejected for my sake. I am praised and I dwell in you because of your praises. I am worshiped and I dwell in your worship. Know my word more and more and read it again and again. If you read my word more it will speak even more to you. Know the one you worship because even now you do not know me. Do all things with excellence. 

Many Christian are getting weary of waiting for me and they are going back to Egypt. Going back to Egypt is to begin to trust in money, in men, your own strength and wisdom. I am not coming soon I am coming now. I want my bride to be ready for me. You are the lamps and the Holy Spirit is the oil. Everything bows to me because I am excellent and I am exalted high. Even the devil bows to me. Everything is supposed to kneel down before you because you have power and you are might because of me. 

When you begin to pray in heaven you appear kneeling down before me. Things bow before me in heaven and on earth. I am Holy. I require my holiness from you. I do not associate with sin and filthiness because I am Holy. Without holiness of hearts, thoughts, words and actions no one shall see me. Those who speak recklessly, I do not associate myself with them. Work out your salvation with holiness and righteousness. 

Those with Holy words, thoughts and actions shall see me. Moses removed his shoes without asking questions. He had blind obedience and he walked with him day and night, because he obeyed and removed his shoes. Abraham left his father’s house and moved forward without questions. He had blind obedience. He never turned back to his father’s house and because of that, I walked with him day and night. Whoever turns back is not fit for my kingdom. Lots wife looked back and she got destroyed. When you look behind you will turn back and you will be destroyed. When you look back you will go back to Egypt. Do not look back to where you are coming from. Do not look at things you did before. 

Do not even think of turning back. Encourage those who will come, they should never look back. These things and teachings are for you and all those that shall come to me. Those who are in hell are those without holiness. I am a good God full of patience. I wait for the process of sin to disappear from you, as you work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Tell it to others, without holiness no one shall see me. Command holiness and be strict with my word. Courage comes from holiness.