LETTER 21: You shall do even more.

JESUS SAYS: 10/5/2015. 

There is nothing hard for me. What I did was little you shall do even more. You can divide even Indian Ocean.

 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes unto me, the works that I do, shall he do also and more than these shall he do; because I go unto my father.” (John 14:12)

I have proved my love to my bride by dying on the cross for her. I am a worthy bridegroom. I want a worthy bride. Whoever shall come to me shall be welcomed by my father. Anyone who will say yes to you will be saying yes to me. When I send you, whoever rejects you, rejects me. Anyone that will serve me in truth, all the promises in my word are his. I am not a repentant God. You take my word or reject it. Without humans or humans, I am God. 

When I send you out never be discouraged when they reject my word for it is me they are rejecting. When they accept you, it is me they are accepting, and when they reject you, it is me they are rejecting. Do not worry or doubt that they won’t obey me. There are those hearts I made hard so that I can throw them to the fire of hell. There are those whose hearts are soft. There are those, whose hearts have been made hard by the world, those ones I make them until they obey me to salvation. 

 “He that receives you receives me, and he that receives me receives him that sent me” (Mathew 10:40)

 Whoever shall obey me, will walk with me and I will show myself greatness unto him, up to his fourth generation. Watch out and warn my children the kind of altars they are building. Your lives are altars. 

 “He that has my commandments and keeps them, he is that loves me, and he that loves me shall be loved by my father, and I will love him, and I will manifest myself in him.” (John 14:21)

When you obey or not there is a reward. Every altar of sin a man builds, it will affect him to his fourth generation. Be aware what you put in your lives because they are altars. Whatever evil the father does it curses his children to the fourth generation. That is why there are so many evil things happening to the families. Some are dead and some are in heaven but their children are suffering because of the sins they committed while on earth. I hate pride it is supposed to be found in me and me only. Deal with pride and pray against evil altars too. 

People shall come, warn them not to associate themselves with pride. When they come, I shall lift them up because you have labored for them. Tell them to humble more. You are my teachers. Teach and the ones who will listen will be blessed. 

Those who will not listen and those who will leave do not bother about them. I want courageous workers who do not care what people say. Finish the work of faith like me. I did not bother what people said. Despite many blessings, I will give you, let the people ever find you humble. Humble; even more. Haven’t I commanded you to read my word even more? Prove your love to me by reading my word. 

If you need help, I am here to help you. Bring anything to my hand and I will help you. Nothing in this earth can move me even you. I have decided to come down and to do my work, to guide and teach my children by myself, for those I called have failed me. Whoever shall work with me, we shall take many to heaven. 

Do not fall by failing to pray. Offer your prayers as sacrifice before me. For those much is given much is required. I give gifts not to be kept but to be used for others. Let your gifts not die but work for me. Desire to see my face and walk with me. I am God who cannot be defeated. When the end come, I will require my records from you. Those that shall come tell them I will give them gifts. If they desire all I will give them all but they should work for me. It is better to deny yourselves sleep and get eternal life. Desire not to sleep. I should not be laughed at by the enemy, when you are praying and I come down, I should not find you sleeping. Receive your blessings for being found on your knees. Without man we cannot do anything on earth; even the enemy cannot do anything on earth without man. I know my word everywhere, even where there is a comma and a full stope, I know. Increase in all good things.