LETTER 22: Fasting.

JESUS SAYS: 11/5/2015. 

When you fast dry do not drink anything. Fasting should begin from your hearts. If you fast for selfish desires, it is foolish fasting. Fasting because others are fasting, is foolish fasting. Fasting to save a meal or because you do not have food, is foolish fasting. Fasting to become slim or to show off, is also foolish fasting. Fast not for physical things. Fast for spiritual growth. Fast for your gifts, every month. 

Corporate fasting; you begin at the same time and end at the same time, lest you fast in vain. When you fast because you want to draw closer to me, let your thoughts be filled with how closer to me you want to be. If you are fasting for physical things; show me how I will also benefit. If not, then your fasting is in vain. There is no need for you to deny yourself and heaven has not recognized. When fasting, you must pray all the time and those prayers come directly to me. Know the reason for your fasting. I told you to choose one thing and pray for it until you receive it, then the rest shall follow. Obey and you shall not fast and pray in vain. Choose to fast for faith, love, or to defeat the enemy. When others come teach them that partial fasting is for the baby Christians. Fasting one day or two days is for baby Christians. First for one item for three days, twelve hours per day. When you grow, you will fast three days dry, let your fasting be full of me and my word and not your words. You can fast that I may write my word in your hearts. You can fast, to know me. I did not create aging but because of the first Adam sin, men grow very old and ugly. If men had not sinned, would not be growing old. There are things you need to labor for, spiritual gifts, labor in prayers persistently. I am always in you, waiting for your prayers and your tears that I may answer you.

 “16Moreover; when you fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance, for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily; I say unto you they have their reward, 17But you when you fast anoint your heads, and wash your faces, that you appear not unto men to fast. you.” (Mathew 6:16-17)