LETTER 23: Eternity should move you.

JESUS SAYS: 11/5/2015. 

I answer prayers. My name is God that answers prayers of my children. I answer your prayers because it is the channel men use to come to me. When you pray, I cover my children with my blood so that I do not see their sins and I answer them. If I answer prayers of sinners, how much more would I answer prayers of my children. When you bring prayers after denying yourself, I answer. My name is God who answers prayers. I answer at the right time, in purest might way. 

When I say; yes, take it courageously. When I say; wait, wait patiently, I see the future and I know all things. You cannot reason with me when you just look at me, but on your knees. I know what you will pray for in ten years to come, tomorrow and always. I know what goes on in your minds now and in the future, I know all things. When I say, you will live for a hundred years, begin to pray for it now. Do not wait until you are seventy. Pray persistently. Persistent keeps you focused. You cannot grow weary. Everyone in the bible prayed. Prophets never slumber, they never grow weary. Their prayers were answered at the neck of time. 

There are prayers I answer instantly like the prayer of healing. Those that I say wait are like prayers for the car and you do not even have a driving license. If you persist in your prayers, I will tell you where the illness is coming from. Faith attracts me to you, it pulls me to you. You are overcomers because every person that obeys me is an overcomer. Seek me more, I am found by men who love me. Do not be moved by things that are passing; eternity should move you. Spiritual battles are fought at midnight, from twelve o clock three o clock, 12am to 3am.

 12Have you commanded the morning since your days began; and caused the dawn to know its place; 13That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked may be shaken out of it?”(Job38:12-13)

I will teach you how to fight the powers that fight you. Fear is the greatest weapon of the enemy. Prince of Persia brings fear, doubts, self-pity and worry. These make faith and hope decrease. If you listen to these voices and believe in them he holds your physical blessings. Situations have voices and names. Uproot fear from the roots and plant faith. Faith grows when you pray, fast. Read my word and when I give you promises I am encouraging. When you say, I will come late or I will not do what I said; the prince of Persia gains ground over you. When you speak positive he loses strength and becomes weak and he can no longer hold your blessings. Faith speaks positive, greatness and hope.

When your faith grows, I send my angel to fight him for you. Never be weary or ashamed of working for me. Speak positive always and he will lose his strength. Princes of air, earth and the sea fear my authority in you. Doubts should not be found in you. You are my victors.

Do not allow in you; fear, doubts or anything that is not of me. It is good to be persistent in prayers because the princes take long before they decrease and shrink. The more you desire to pray, the more I will reveal myself to you. It depends on your desire. Pray all the time and when you finish this race I will receive praise. Every time you pray for altars, speak my word and my blood so that other voices can be silenced. Silencing other voices that are made in covenant is not easy, but do not fear, I can do everything. I am not a father of lies. Do not disappoint me because I have faith in you. Always find time for me so that I can strengthen you and use you. In battle, I will lead you to victory. The cost is high but the reward is great. It will cost you your friends, your family, tears and sleep. My disciple, were left alone. 

A Carnal man cannot understand my ways. I will bring my friends to you, so fear not when you lose your friends. It is better you finish the race with fear of me, than finishing it with wealth and sin. I collect tears and when I am rewarding I turn them into joy. 

This is not a church but a ministry. A ministry where people are taught and let to go and serve me. Your work is to pray for them and follow up with what they will be doing for me. Discourage them from opening churches. I am coming for individual not congregations. Pray that I may get more workers. 

Try to go extra miles for me. Delight in prayers and obey me. Desire me and be fiery for me. Read about Daniel, how he conquered the enemy. He feared me in his lifestyle. Do not hold on to men. Have no ties with them but with me. When you create ties with men; it will be hard for you to release them when I want them to go and serve me and that will be disobedient.

I want you to work as did my disciples so that you do not use your strength for sin. Laziness takes people to hell. When you defeat one prince you will have defeated all because their tactics are the same. The fruits that come with fear are doubts, self-pity and worry. The fruits that come with faith are courage, obedience and respect. Words are very important. Teach yourselves to speak positive. Do not just think what you want, speak. If I only thought, and not spoke nothing that exists today could be existing.

I spoke words and I created everything. Only man was created; the rest I spoke and they were made. I need words that I may perform it. Teach yourselves to speak out commands. You cannot command without words. Your words are rubber stumped in heaven. Those I told wake up and go, they were healed. I called Lazarus by telling him to wake up and he woke up. If you speak curses the enemy comes and tells me your child is cursing, do not bless him or her. Command situations by your words. Your words are great weapons against the enemy, as long as they are my word. If you need strength, ask for it using my word. Many are going to hell because of not asking for strength. God the father the son and the Holy Spirit, we are all in my word. Train the disciples and send them out, let them bring their account to you. Let not a day pass, without you learning something new. All the blessings and promises I have rubber stumped then in heaven. Seek for forgiveness all the time and make it your habit. 

Live repentant lives, and no door will be opened for the enemy to you. When I command you to go and you go surely you will receive your reward. Faith should increase even when you think I am late. My kingdom needs hard working people. If I qualify you; I walk with you. Tell my children, I need workers. Tell them to labor for my kingdom, by reading my word. When my sheep come. train them and put duration so that they can go out and serve me. When you look back to Egypt; I will pick another worker, give him both your anointing and his. 

This is a prophetic ministry. Pride should never be found in you. Tell my children my grace ends. Teach them how to fast so that they do not fast in vain. Do not touch my anointed one. I want strict workers only because I am a strict God. Many people leave my work because I am strict. But the ones I choose, must work for me. Desire to see things as I see them. If you do not give me praise, how will I be praised. I do not dwell in hearts that have no joy because I am joy.  Do not see what the enemy sees. Ask me, what I see. What I see is my testimonies, wonders and might. I am not limited by circumstances. Give thanks all the time. Teach yourselves to praise me, to read my word. Do my word, accomplish my word. Focus on things above. Do not look down because when you look at your level, you will be discouraged. Let it be your habit, to give thanks to me. What do I want from you except your praises and give me glory, do not follow me because of bread. You are my children and my servants, focus on me. Walk with by faith; when doubts come, I take a back sit. Faith is a heavenly currency. The same way I am strict; the same way I am kind, loving and faithful.