LETTER 24: I desire an intimate relationship with you.

JESUS SAYS: 15/5/2015. 

I am bold in all I do. Fast, because in heaven you will not fast. Fight even more on your knees. I fight for you so that you can see my faithfulness. My servants have to stand out. The work of man is to be found on his knees. The power you receive on your knees is so might such that, what the devil sees in you is total light. I desire workers who are persistent in prayers. Praying touching a thing until something happens. Daniel trusted me and he did not fear men, and I gave him favor. I rewarded him by showing him the end time events. Furnaces have to come to qualify my servants. Learn to be positive and know that your words are my weapons.

I am your strength; in this journey where you have reached you will not turn back. Do not believe on the report of men. Do not be afraid. Many Christians who are lukewarm are called to the sea at night by the enemy, and they get initiated into witchcraft, blindly. When a Christian relaxes in prayers it is dangerous. When a Christian does not pray, he becomes an empty vessel and the devil will do all sort of evil things to him, unknowingly. 

All the blessings I have spoken to you, follow them up with prayers and fasting. When I have blessed you, you must stay on your knees. If you will ever think it is your prayers that made you blessed, it is pride. I do not associate myself with pride and the proud. When I have blessed you, I have challenged you to pray more, to read the Bible and to fast even more. 

When you pray until you are blessed, your generation will never lack. I desire an intimate relationship with you. Do not waste your salvation, guide it jealously. Every time you go out, speak my blood to altars that have been speaking against you. Let your thoughts glorify me. Continue to be persistent in prayer. Persistent on a matter in prayers brings great reward. Pray about it until it is in your hands. Love has the greatest sacrifice. Prove your love to me; by how you talk, think and act. Let your love become a mirror in your lives. Know that I am faithful in my word. Do not create obstacles. Seek my kingdom first and all other things shall be added unto you. Seek for knowledge and understanding. When you are weak, you are strong in me. I listen to the petition of the humble. I love you and I will love you even more. You are all equal in my kingdom. Write down all the promises I have given you and bring them to me in prayers. Without holiness; you will never see me. 

Desire to do more; go an extra mile. Any one that will come ground them in my word then send them to serve me, when I direct. I will teach you how to teach them and how to send them out. Have no ties with men, have ties only with me. Every day the grace is new. The grace of yesterday is gone. Today it is new. Desire to grow and focus on me. Put all your trust and hope in me. My martyrs focused on me, they never looked back because my Holy Spirit was with them. They always saw me; their mind was always full of me. They suffered for me; it brought me so much joy.

 “25’I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand. That I should not be moved; 26Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover; also my flesh shall rest in hope; 27Because you will not leave my soul in hades, neither will you allow your holly one to see corruption 28You have made known to me the ways of life; You shall make me full of joy with your countenance.’ David said.(Acts 2:25-28) Do not turn back. Ask me to erase the memory of the past. If you turn back, the reward is great. You must begin in the spirit and finish in the spirit. Begin in faith and finish in faith. Begin with grace and finish with grace. Those who were killed for me; did not see the sword or the fire but they saw me. My teachings will now become harder; you asked me to teach you and I am doing it. When a man defiles himself a little, other voices begin to speak in him. Be watchful, do not defile yourselves. The greatest worship that touches the heart of my father, is when you worship in the midst of your trouble.