LETTER 25: Call no one spiritual dad or mom.

JESUS SAYS: 16/5/2015. 

Words are powerful. When a curse is spoken unto you, it comes direct to me, it will speak until to the fourth generation, if not nullified. Anyone can curse you, even a stranger. A curse from a spiritual parent is worse because it touches the entire congregation. I said in my word do not call anyone father or mum for your father is one who is in heaven.

 “8But you be not called Rabbi; for one is your teacher, even CHRIST and all you are brothers. 9And call no man father upon the earth, for one is your father who is in heaven. 10Neither be you called masters; for one is your teacher, even CHRIST.” (Mathew 23:8-10)

I look for reasons to sweep away an evil person. I allow my servants to be insulted then I sweep away. When the curtain was torn into two; I wanted everyone to reach me with their burdens. But many believe they must be prayed for. Have no attachment with any evil church or minister, seek me for guidance. Do not call anyone Spiritual dad or mum, my authority is enough for you. Submitting to wrong authority opens door for demons into your lives. I said in my word, call no body Dad or Mum.

Ignorance is not an excuse before me. No one can plead ignorant before me because I gave you my word to read it so that you can know the truth. My word is clear the way it is; you must read it for your advantage, do not interpret it. Every person you have slept with, is marriage before me. Those covenants bind. Pray against such covenants. Eating together with men, is a covenant. Greetings are covenants. Have discernment and you will be careful not to share food with wrong people with wrong motives. Many have been initiated into witchcraft through eating. 

There are people who are made to be used by the enemy and some by me. Every vow you have made, keep it. When a man and a woman share blood covenant in marriage; then one of them fails to keep it, they both die. Warn my children from these habits. Tell my children to stop sex covenants. Sitting in the council of the wicked is a covenant.                                                                                                                          

 “Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in seat of scornful.” (Psalms 1:1)

Every word you speak is a covenant with me and you. I command you to speak positive only. Ask me to remind you the churches you went to, for you were in wrong places. When you separate from wrong altars, you must break the covenants of those altars, then speak my blood. Avoid calling people Dads or Mums to avoid giving them authority over your life. I am your authority. If the mantle bearer is filthy; the whole congregation becomes filthy because the anointing flows from the head to the whole body. But I separate my own, cleanse them and use them.

 “7Therefore, you shepherd, hear the word of the lord. 8As I live, says the Lord, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became food to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock. 9Therefore. O you shepherd, hear the word of the Lord 10Thus says the Lord God. Behold am against shepherds I require my flock from your hand, and I cause you to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall you feed yourselves anymore., for I will deliver my flock from your mouths and they will not be food for you anymore.” (Ezekiel 35:7-10)

One day I will reveal to you what happens to the churches because they are walking to hell. In churches; children and pregnant women have been killed for power. There is a lot of blood in church altar that is speaking. I do not associate myself with sin and sinners. Did I speak of planting seeds in my word? Did anyone ever paid money to see me? They have transformed my word into business, and surely, they have received their reward. Those who change my word I reward them quickly. Why should you call your church a might name and you are walking to hell…? My children do not want to listen; they are spiritual blind. They do not desire to see and to know me. They do not ask to know where they aught fellowship. They do not even ask. You cannot take yourself to wrong altars, then you begin to ask me whether you are in the right places. I will not answer for my hands will be tied. It is in the churches my children labor in vain. 

My children are getting lost in churches. Some go to churches to be seen. Women go to show their dresses. Men go to seek women to sleep with. Surely..! they have received their reward. People who show off have received their reward. Woe unto such people because if my grace is finished, I will close the door of grace over them, and I will not listen to their prayers anymore. 

I train but when men refuse to be trained, I do not bother, I spit them out. My children have gone astray. It is sad to see my children trooping to hell, when there is understanding in my word. They do not read my word. They read and preach single verse. Does that edify them. If a preacher can preach only one verse the whole service. when will they preach about my coming back. To the one that calls me I hear.

Do not get tired of telling my children I am coming back soon. I encourage you to read my word. Encourage them to read my word. Reading my word raises your zeal to seek me and serve me. It draws encouragement, courage, comfort, warning, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. If you do not know my word it will not speak to you. You cannot meditate on what you do not know. You cannot meditate upon one verse the whole week. I knock the doors of my children hearts, knowing they will not open for me. My father says; leave them alone, but when I remember the pain I went through on the cross for them, I knock again and again. When they completely refuse to open, I come down with my wrath. When I close the door of grace over you, not even the blood sacrifice can open it. I know the hearts of men very well. Tell them, when I close the door of grace I will not open it. And no one can save themselves. 

I am very fair. I am God of fairness. I am fair in all I do. When men refuse me. I lock my door of grace over them and when they get in trouble and pray, I will not answer them. Even when people pray for them I will not answer. When they are well I knock at their doors a million times but they do not answer, then when they want me because they see death coming, they call me and they want me to answer them. To such I hide my face from them, and I will not answer them even when men pray for them, I will not.

Teach them to serve in Spirit and in truth. Teach them to fear me, love me and exalt me. Teach them to be ready for my coming. I am coming for a fit bride. Fit in all they do. speak and desire. I do not come for them that think they are righteous. No one comes to the father except by me. Tell them I did not call them for churches but for myself. Value what I value. I do not want people to despise what I do not despise. Do not be in a hurry to pray for people when they come for prayers. Discern fully what they want. Do not talk much, listen to me and I will tell you what their motives are. Whoever is looking for blessings alone, will not receive anything. To know me is favor. No one can die for himself in the cross. 

Train workers so that when they go out they will bear fruits for me. Raise not church goers. Warn them against worshiping men. They should worship me alone. Warn them not to worship you. Idle worshipers are made when you pray and I do. When I do, there are those who will see you, and those who will see me. Train them to come to me and ask for themselves, and all the glory will come back to me.