LETTER 27: Judge not.

JESUS SAYS: 18/5/2015.

Tremble before me. Avoid judging because the same judgment you use on others, will be used unto you. Those who judge will not receive my kingdom. Do not point fingers, I am the one who anoints. When you judge someone, you cannot see me and you cannot give me praise. Do not judge; even if you meet a woman with five kids without a husband. Those who judge such women. I will not give them kids. I have to be serious with you so that you can impart the same seriousness unto others. Watch out, keep me first in all you do. I answered Hanna’s prayers because when she came to me she did not come with complains about her barrenness, shame and insults, but she gave me praises for her barrenness, shame and insults. 

Many things people are passing through is as a result of judging others. You may be born again; but when you judge someone, I will judge you and I will not answer you when you call me. Do not point fingers; I am the one who anoints. I impart diligence because if I impart laziness or sluggishness on you, you will impart the same unto others. When you have self-righteousness in you, you will judge others. 

 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment, you judge shall be judged. And with what measure you measure, it shall be measured the same unto you.” (Mathew 7:1)