LETTER 29: Fulfill your vows.

JESUS SAYS: 20/5/2015.

The moment the chosen one bows down to the enemy, I close the door of grace upon him. You cannot serve two masters. Do not be cheated, I am telling you the secrets. Any Christ that appears to you, ask him to show you the marks in his hands and whether he is the son of God. I will smite him if he lies. Ask it boldly. My children do not believe in my prophets. 

 “And the Lord has sent unto you all his servants the prophets, rising early and sending them; but you have not hearkened or inclined your ears to hear.” (Jeremiah 25:4)

I give different messages, depending on the level of maturity of a person. Ask for new hope and strength that my death may not be in vain for you. My children despise me. Remember not to be lifted up by men. They should not say you did the miracles, but me. Let no one lift you up. The moment you take my glory; I will depart from you and you will not know it. I will send three prophets to warn you, if you hearken not, I will depart with my grace from you, then you will go to hell. If you make a vow; remember to keep it. Continue fasting, if men accept me, I fight their battles but when they reject me, I fight them. I do not force men to serve me because I have given them free will. Iniquities are sins of fore fathers and they affect up to the fourth generation. Everything begins with salvation. Accept me and fear me. If you, open doors for the enemy; how can I fight for you. I only need one person to stand in the gap and bring my word to me and I will save the whole world. 

There is a blessing when you fulfill your vows. If you honor the first vow you made, the rest will be easy to honor.

 “2Be not rash with your mouth, and let not your heart be hasty to utter anything before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth: Therefore let your words be few. 3For a dream comes through much business and a fool’s voice is known by a multitude of words. 4When you vow a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he has no pleasure with fools. 5Better it is that you should not vow, than you should vow and not pay. 6Permit not your mouth to cause your flesh to sin, neither say before the angels, it was an error. Why should God be angry at your voice, and destroy the works of your hands? 7For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also many vanities: but fear thou God.” (Ecclesiastes 5:2-7)

Here we learn that God is serious not only with the vows we speak with our mouths but also what we utter with our hearts,