LETTER 32: Pay your tithes fully.

JESUS SAYS: 7/6/2015.

When you spend money first then you tithe the remaining, you labor in vain. It is better you eat it all. When you give and others see you give in vain. For this is my word, do not give me little if you have much. I am a just and a fair God. Mend your ways. Pay your debts for debts speaks before me and they hinder your blessings. First fruit is a commitment for your plans and your work to be established. Any amount you decide is ok so long as it is from your first income or salary. Pay your tithes fully. Thanks-giving is for thanking me for what I have done. The reason why you should pay your debts is because I am a just God. When your debtors cry to me, I will listen to him, even if he is not saved because I am a just God.