LETTER 33: Praise me until your last breath.

JESUS SAYS: 8/6/2015.

I am worthy of all your praises; look around you and see me. I want praises from you. Praise me until your last breath. Praises opens doors that no one can close. I need praises from you all the time. Many have been healed, transformed and called to my presence because of praises. Praise is a prayer before me. Praise is the key to my kingdom. Try me in praises and you will see me. I defeat armies because of praises. I know you are weak vessels but praise is not hard. If you have faith and praise, mountains must go away. If you praise me, you will fear me and all my virtue will follow you. Your altars of praise should always be full of praises. Should never run dry.

Afflictions have to come for I was afflicted too, but you get your strength from me. I bore pain courageously so that you may know I am there for you. If I call you and make you accept my call, then I will sustain you. 

Do not ever think I am late; I am never late. I created time. Do not ever think I do not care about you. Many can change, but I do not, I remain the same. You should not dwell in sorrow, pain and trouble but dwell in me. Arise and focus on me. Those I choose, I fight for them. All my promises have to come to pass. Take my way and never turn back to Egypt. I want to reveal myself to you, prepare through prayers.

I know you will serve me even more when you see my face. Prepare in prayers, I will give you directions. The holes in my hands remain to prove to men that I died for them because of love. When I reveal myself to you, all your afflictions will go. How you will pray will determine. Your faith will grow. This is a great sacrifice. When I reveal my crucifixion to men; they feel sick for they feel the same pain I felt. But I am your strength. Grace is for those who do not know me. But you know me, your grace is little. When you think, you know everything, you lose it all. When you think you are righteous you lose eternal life.