JESUS SAYS; 6/4/2015
For me to Visit you is by grace. You cannot pay me, it is just pure grace and love. Understanding of my word is just by grace; even seeking me, is not by your strength. If you seek me, you will find me. No one can pay me. It is just by my grace, love and mercy. If I favor my children, they call me and I answer them with confidence.
When you purpose to find me, I purpose to be found of you. I am just a call away. I favor my children that I love. I like it, when you seek for great things. You shall find all things you desire from me, on your knees. Gold is found by sweating. I will be found when you call me in truth and in spirit. Confidence is my name. I have no hindrances from my side. Hindrances are from your side. When I say, I will do something, the enemy begins to fight. Pray hard, my father desires workers. Be ready at all times, you know not neither the time nor day when I will be coming back.
Prayers is a substance and a weapon., Its where we communicate. Prayers are words of my children that I accomplish. In prayer, you will find me. The world and pride should never be found in you. Can you imagine how many people I cover with my wings? I have covered many, and I still have more space. I shall always come to teach you. Teach your children the way they should go and they shall never depart from me. My word speaks; that is why I say it is alive. Many have read my word, and it has transformed them. They have known I am the true God, and the only way to the father. Preach the word, and I will receive praise.
I heal the sick by your words. Faith gives me praise. Increase in your faith; and ask anything in my name, I will give you, and I will receive glory. I love you very much with love that can be touched. I need praise in every situation hard, good or bad. Do not want to know many things; just praise me. I know everything you will do tomorrow. What you will eat. How you will comb your hair. Seek me more I will do wonders to you. Knocking means bringing your burdens to me. When you bring your burdens at my feet; I will take them away. The fear of me is wisdom. I give wisdom freely, ask. Anyone can ask, and I answer. My children perish because of lack of knowledge. Teach my children.
Desire to know my word; it is going to judge you. Read my word and you will know what causes blemish to your garments. When you ask me for revelation of my word, I will give you. You need outlets to tell my word to others. If you share my word, I am glorified. I am a God of love. Pray for others so that my death may not be in vain to them. I am happy when you continue to love and call me. I will prove my might, my love and myself to you. Everything about you, is written in my hand; and I am not a man that I should change. I am a great I am, who sees everything. I do not sleep or grow weary. To those who know me, my grace is limited. To those who know not me, my grace is more.
I do not like seeing my children crying because of hard life, because the enemy laughs at them. Twenty-four elders in heaven bow before me when you are blameless. I have covered you with the blanket of love. If you want love with no blemish, ask it from me, I give freely.
Continue asking; if you desire all gifts I will give you all. But remember to whom much is given; much is required. I use dreams and visions to reveal myself to my children. Everything is found on your knees. Continue to be found ever true.
Blessings are renewed every day. Renew everything about yourself every day.