LETTER 6: I want servants not church goers.

JESUS SAYS: 12/4/2015. 

I have given you great things; give thanks. I have shown you my power. I provide your daily bread; give thanks. It is very important to give thanks. Thanksgiving is a sign of worship. I have a plan to give you, a future full of hope and prosperity. Give thanks and I will receive praise and worship and adoration. Teach yourselves to give thanks for everything. Learn to see what I have already done for you and thanks giving will become easy. Thank me for what I will do and I will do it.

My good plans and work, add no sorrow. Give thanks; it is my will to be found by you. Give thanks to me all the time. The level of much blessings, the test is great. When you have less, the test is less. When you are in the level of blessings, and pride is not found in you, You, move to the next level which is the level of peace. It is in the level of blessings that many people fall. They think it is because of their prayers. If you fail in any level, you start again. 

Blessings are a big test, and they are coming in plenty. I want you to be firm, that you may not fall. And that you may not leave me behind. Whether you live me or not, I will remain God. Things of the world, wealth and money can never move or change me. I do not force things; choose wisely. When it comes to decisions, you have free will. I require that I ever find you ready for me. I want servants not church goes. When you continue staying at my feet, blessings will never change you. If you pass your exams; these seasons will never go away. The season of plenty, is where I want you to be.