LETTER 7: Depend not on my servants but on me.

JESUS SAYS: 24/4/2015; 

I am able to lift up and to restore. I am able to do exceedingly more than you can imagine or ask. Try my might and my power, and you shall see it. Commit everything unto me. I am able with confidence. I am a God of today and tomorrow. There is nothing I cannot do. I have heard your prayers; and I am able to answer even the ones you have not asked. 

I sustained my children in the desert. And by my wrath I swept them away because of their evil deeds. Able is my name. Glory, power and honor belong to me. I do might things. I amaze, I astonish. I will amaze you by my mighty. I walk with my might and with all my characters, love, patience strength, knowledge, wisdom, majesty, and power. I am a warrior; all these are my names. I am ready always to walk with my children.

All your battles, my army fights. My army is so might and so great; I lead and command it to war. Your words in prayers are so important. They are weapons we use to fight the enemy. We cannot do anything on earth without your prayers. Christian should not depend on my servants but me. Cursed is a man that makes a man his hope. My word is alive. It breaths love, wisdom, courage, faith, healing and more. Everything is found on your knees. 

When I tell you to receive your blessings. Plant them in your hearts. Teach yourselves how to plant blessings in your hearts; up to your fourth generation. When I speak any blessing to your lives, plant it in your hearts up to your fourth generation. Plant salvation, love, wisdom, obedience, and more and it shall be so. I do not do small time things. If it is faith big faith. If blessings mighty blessings. Continue in prayers. 

My children do not know blessings are planted, watered and fertilized. Water is prayers. Fertilizer is fasting. I will reveal to you how these seeds germinate. When you pray, fast with humility, you will get your blessings. I will fight for my children, if I do not fight for you, who will? Am great in battle. My wars are mighty, and the victory is assured. If you have other gods in your lives, it does not mean you bow to them. But anything that comes first in your life except me; is a god.

I am like a mirror; what you come with, is what I reflect back to you. You come with great love; I reflect great love. When you continue planting seeds of blessings I receive praise. In heaven, I am adored, when you walk holy on earth. I have so many things to tell you, cultivate this relationship even more. Praise me; I dwell in you. May you bring your sacrifices before me to be burned for a sweet incense. I am the one who closes doors and the one who opens. I have many names. Anything you ask, I will do. 

The devil cannot be near confidence. Have confidence in me and the devil will be away from you. If you promise to do something; do it So that the enemy does not ask me for permission to touch you.

Faith shakes heaven. And everyone in heaven asks, who is it again that is shaking heaven. I want faith like that of my prophets and my apostles. They shock heaven in their days until those who were in heaven by then, asked, who is it, that is shaking heaven, Is it Jeremiah or Isaiah. Shake heaven by your faith, and you will see me. Miracles sign and wonders follow my children. I am a God of sign and wonders. Continue seeking me and you will desire to stay in my presence.

All my characters are my names. You should have every character that I have. It will bring me glory to see my children come to me because of your words. Those who judge quickly they forget that they are worse than the one they are judging. I bring my children to you to love them and not to judge them. Those ministers that judge my children; they lack love. They see faults and not love. I died for all my children. Confidence moves me. 

When you come with confidence, you come knowing that I am able. I created all things, I love you my children, it will not affect me to give you anything that you ask me with confidence. I will do because I have to prove myself to you by making a way for you. Love comes as a gift parcel. When you unwrap it; there is more inside. You will find love, obedience, wisdom, and more. Love draws those who have no love unto you. Faith brings all gifts. You cannot believe without love. Love comes first then hearts are broken. 

Everything is about proving in my kingdom. You have to prove your love, kindness, wisdom, patience and all my characters. When we burn them in heaven they bring so much joy to us and I bless you. Gentleness is tested in you when rough people come your way and you still love them. Patience is tested when people who are slow to learn come your way and you still love them and teach them. 

Canaan is where things are fine and ok. Givers are blessed to give. But when I send them three times and they obey not; I sweep them away. Their hearts are on fire if they don’t give. Without faith that shakes heaven you cannot enter your Canaan.