True Repentance

JESUS SAYS: 6/4/2020

I am pleased with true repentance. It is what I desire
A worthy repentance,
An Honest repentance
When you sin, sin is recorded. Every kind of sin you have committed is recorded.
You have to be alert in repentance.
Repent every kind of sin you have committed.
When you repent about a thing it is removed.
If you repent fear, fear is removed. If you fail to repent it,  it remains
Go deep in repentance.
Why do my children get tired in time of repentance? You pray for blessings for long.
What an irony!

I give you a new man through repentance. If you don’t go deep in the spirit, how do I remove sin?
If you don’t go deep how do I remove fear?
Sin is a spirit. fear is a  spirit I need to remove
Every demon is a spirit.  You have to go deep
You leave evil first, then you repent. You don’t repent with sin
When you fully repent a song is sung in heaven. I begin to trust men with repentance. I begin to trust you with work. I give you responsibilities.
Prove your repentance by living right.
Prove your repentance by changing your ways.
Denounce your evil ways. Obey, Obey.
Obey me to avoid repeating the same thing over and over again.
When you wrong someone, don’t come and repent, go and ask for forgiveness.
Don’t use short cuts. Confess your sins
Don’t make a habit of sleeping without repentance.
I need you to be alert in prayers.
I give period to men.  When you repent I give you time to prove if you are repenting in truth or lying to me.
Study my word. Follow my word and Me. I need to see you humble

Have you turned away from your evil? You have to repent before I heal the land.
Have you humbled?, have you confessed?,  have you turned from evil?, have you obeyed God?
Prove yourself in repentance.
In every area go deep, go deep in prayer, go deep in praise, go deep in fasting.
Whoever goes deep does not remain the same.
There are things I release when you go deep.
If you remain at the same level, it means you are not going deep.
Whoever goes deep, I take him to another level.
I am waiting for my children to truly repent  that I may give the new man
Learn to repent over everything, that everything is removed.

When I say I will not remember, it means they have repented truly.
But why do I remember? It is because it is not repented.

Repent until I take over your prayers and tongue.
When you repent truly, I take over your tongues, because when you repent truly, I fill you with my spirit.
If you repent right, I take over a calamity.
Those sensitive in the spirit feel when I touch the heavens.
Arise even more my children.

True repentance moves me.
True repentance brings joy to me.
I release breakthrough to a heart that repents truly.
Desire that I am praised in your repentance.
Honor me with your repentance,
Uplift me with your repentance.

Don’t repent to be seen,
Don’t repent because of jealousy and anger.
Don’t repent complaining.

Humble before me. Humble even because of someone else’s sin. I love such a heart.   I am pleased with a heart that repents for other people’s sins. I am pleased with a heart that repents because of the sins of a nation, parents, etc.
Repent even more because of nations, pastors, fake miracles, false doctrines, fake prophesies, etc.
Repent for not being led by the Holy Spirit
Repent for not reading my word and praying,
Repent for not attaining my quality
Every time repent even more.
Heavens are opened when you repent and obey.
Demons are defeated and flee.

 Ask for grace to repent.
going back and doing everything that I told you is true repentance.
There is repentance by words and repentance by actions

Repent until I do something. Repent Until you see me relent.
Finish your repentance by words, Finish your repentance by actions.
Repent for your gifts and fruits
Honor me. When you honor me, I will honor you.
When you honor me with your time, I honor you with my time.
When you honor me with your lips, I honor you with my lips.
Desire that I may honor you.
Continue to climb the ladder
Seek me even more. Increase even more

Seek me day and night and I will come and I will reward you.
I desire to show you my face.
A lot of people have stopped praying for my face.
Pray for my face. Desire to meet with me. Desire to see my face.
I honor them who fellowship with me.
None should be left behind. Be at the same pace.
Desire to be ahead. Desire to be the first one.

 I weigh each ministry and I see how they compete. Some ministries have been overlapped.
When I desire to raise my ministry, don’t be left
Don’t miss the blessings that I release on my body all over the world.
Desire that you may take all blessings
Desire to be the top ministry.
I weigh them by their work.
I reward ministries according to their hard work

 Increase in prayers. What is the hurry for?
You get tired while praying? Why do you not have words in your prayer? How will I prepare you if you don’t pray well?
I told you to wait for me. I am testing you, and you are failing.
How can I work on you when you hurry in your prayers?
How will I work on you if you don’t breakthrough? You have to have access.
How will you hear me if you are in a hurry?
Give me time for me to speak. How will you be led out there if you can’t listen to my voice here?
Prepare to listen and to be led.

 I am fair and just.
Work and labor for everything. Prepare when you come in my presence.
How can you feel my presence without preparing? Don’t make it a routine or a religion.
Those who receive are those who prepared.

Prepare for my word, prayer, and voice
Prepare with my word that you may be ready when you go out
Prepare all the time. Raise the standards
If you are not prepared, how will I take you? Don’t come as if you are forced.
those who receive are those who have labored. Work for your ministry.
I see your desire when you start to pray. I will only send you to preach when you are prepared.
If you meet my servants and they ask you a question, you can answer.
I am yet to surprise that one who raises up the standards.
Raise the standards that I may be seen
I have to be seen by my children. Work that I may be seen.
Maintain my peace. Maintain fire in my presence. Nothing should reduce

Work to attain full obedience
Be alert in everything that you may obey over everything
Pray for sound judgment
Increase in understanding, wisdom, and knowledge
Pray for understanding wisdom and knowledge
Pray for my fear. My fear will guide men. Increase in my fear
I use my fear to guide and speak to men.
Work on unity even more
You are building unity
Arise, I desire to do more
I desire for you to arise
Do not squander the grace to arise.
The time is now.
Maintain my peace
I love you, my children,
I leave my peace.

 By Sister Wilmina Mbayagi.