Three types of churches in the world

  1. The true Church.
  2. Cult.
  3. Occult.

The true Church.

This is a church that Jesus Christ is coming for. It is not visible because they are individual scattered all over the world who are daily washing their garments with the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus has never lost its power and its freshness. Anyone willing can join this church. The big congregating Christian churches in the world can be deceiving. Very few children of God are walking the narrow way, are filled with the Spirit of God, who is the Spirit of power and mighty, Spirit of wisdom and understanding, Spirit of council and knowledge, Spirit of love and joy, Spirit of meekness, faith, joy, peace, goodness, gentleness, healing, discernment, obedience, compassion and more of godly character. Those who have grown in the character of God until they look like Christ, this is what they say it is no longer I, that lives but Christ, for they have crucified their flesh with its affections and lust. Those who love and long for the coming of their Lord. Those who know the voice of their Lord, to them he shall not come as a thief at night.

 “4But you brethren are not in darkness, that day should overtake you as a thief. 5You are the children of the light, and the children of the day. We are not of the night or darkness.” (1 Thesalonians5:4-5)

Many preachers and congregations may be overtaken by this day if they walk not in the light of the word, which is alive and true.


Cult is a church that Christ will not rapture, they are religions that put on sheep skin but inside they are wolves, these are churches which have rejected the power of God and they have taken a form of religion, they use the Bible but preach half-truth. They pick biblical ideas but change the biblical applications, Baptism is a biblical idea but how they will do it, will not be biblical. Praying is biblical but how they will pray is different from how our Lord taught us, some use beads to pray some will read prayers, some handkerchiefs, anointing oil, soil, images, and many fun ways. Preaching money seeds when they need money. They will preach why you should tithe Malachi 3:10 but they will not teach you how tithe is supposed to be used. Deut. 14:29 & Deut. 26:12-15. Many churches fall under this category. Do not be a sheep that has eyes and cannot see, has ears but cannot hear. Sheep that have closed their eyes and ears will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do not follow the multitude could be in the whole country, God is looking for you and you are busy with the multitude. This church has over the years learned to interpret the word of God so that it can suite its itching desires for money and fame from men. It is preserved for destruction plus all who follow its doctrine. This the most deceiving church aimed at deceiving the most elect of God. Christ did not spare the Pharisees he called them hypocrites. I argue you to read the whole chapter of Mathew 23. Many followers in this category of church have the zeal for God but not to knowledge because they are deceived. They rely on their shepherds to seek Gods answer for them, Lazy Christians, their reward is hell fire.

 “For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God but not according to knowledge” (Romans10:2)

 “Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; for you shut the door of the kingdom of heaven against men, for you neither go in yourselves or allow them that are entering to enter.” (Mathew23:13)


This kind of a church, those who follow after its doctrine know very well what they are doing unlike in a cult. Here they don’t use the bible, they have their own Bible, they worship the enemy with knowledge. They do all things against Gods word. They kill for money, they drink human blood and eat human flesh. They cause only trouble. God gave men clothes but they can worship naked. Open your eyes I normally say the other name for the world is deception. Most African traditions fall under this category.

I humbly recommend that you watch several videos from the internet. You can call our office for free copies of this book and videos. This book is not for sell, you are encouraged to photocopy and share it out. 

Videos you should watch:

  1. Pictures of hell by a Korean girl. 
  2. Pictures of heaven by a Korean girl. 
  3. Delivered from the power of darkness by Moses.
  4. Delivered from the power of darkness by Isaac.
  5. Worship that moves God, Visions of Heaven, humility, Praise, Grace.
  6. Advanced tactics of the enemy.
  7. How Satan stops our prayers,
  8. Fallen Angel testifying of hell torment.

My humble prayer for the elect of God is that they may be saved from the hour of tribulation that will come upon the whole earth. May Gods fear feel your hearts, the fear of God helps us to obey him, to pray, to read his word, to love others, and to be holy and ready for him at all times.